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John Perry Barlow provides a personal perspective on Dick Cheney
Topic: Current Events 2:36 am EST, Mar  4, 2003

] I'm starting to wonder if were aren't watching something
] like the same strategy again. In other words, it's
] possible Cheney and company are actually bluffing. This
] time, instead of trying to terrify the Soviets into
] collapse, the objective is even grander. If I'm right
] about this, they have two goals. Neither involves actual
] war, any more than the MX missile did.

The thought had occurred...

John Perry Barlow provides a personal perspective on Dick Cheney

RadioParadise webcast station
Topic: Recreation 11:03 pm EST, Mar  3, 2003

RadioParadise -- Eclectic Intelligent Rock

At first it seemed odd, but in time I become completely hooked. This webcast station provides a great variety of selected music. They play music in different themes and never get stuck any one type for too long. The community board for reviewing artists and songs is very well done.

RadioParadise webcast station

Experts: Copyright law hurts technology | CNET
Topic: Technology 6:11 pm EST, Mar  3, 2003

] BERKELEY, Calif.--Attempts to protect copyrighted
] material have strayed from their original purpose, say
] lawyers, technologists and academics, but few can agree
] on the solution.
] Speaking Friday at a University of California at Berkeley
] conference on the law and policy of digital rights
] management, experts from all circles seem to agree that
] more is going wrong than right with the current approach
] to protecting digital content. Moreover, they argue that
] current laws such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
] (DMCA)--which makes cracking copyright protections
] illegal, even when otherwise acceptable under other
] laws--are serving the extremes, not the mainstream
] populace.

Experts: Copyright law hurts technology | CNET

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