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Current Topic: Business

au pair
Topic: Business 11:31 pm EDT, Jun 22, 2010 - Simply find au pair & nannies
Great online Au Pair Agency with instant access to jobs. We have au pairs from around the world. Find your Au Pair or Family. Free registration.

au pair

LFC Tickets
Topic: Business 11:31 pm EDT, Jun 22, 2010

LFC Tickets and Liverpool match tickets available for all games

LFC Tickets

Elliptical Trainer Machines
Topic: Business 11:32 pm EDT, Jun 16, 2010

Elliptical Trainers is a website of Elliptical Trainer machines offer low-impact workouts that are easier on your joints than running or walking.

Elliptical Trainer Machines

Hotel Saint Germain
Topic: Business 11:31 pm EDT, Jun 16, 2010

A four star hotel, Hotel de l'Abbaye in Saint Germain des Pres in Paris is a hidden gem in the heart of Paris.

Hotel Saint Germain

PCI Dedicated Hosting
Topic: Business 10:52 pm EDT, Jun 11, 2010

PCI Dedicated Hosting is dedicated to provide valuable information to people out there looking for PCI compliant dedicated hosting. We are run and maintained by NetHosting but give the most up to date information about new industry changes and issues that would affect anyone with a website taking credit cards online. We love what we do and would love to help you at any time.

PCI Dedicated Hosting

SAS 70 Wiki
Topic: Business 10:52 pm EDT, Jun 11, 2010

SAS 70 is an acronym for Statement on Auditing Standard 70; it was developed and is maintained by the AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants). Specifically, SAS70 is a “Report on the Processing of Transactions by Service Organizations. SAS 70 provides guidance on the factors an independent auditor should consider when auditing the financial statements of an entity that uses a service organization to process certain transactions. It also provides guidance for independent auditors who issue reports on the processing of transactions by a service organization for use by other auditors.

SAS 70 Wiki

Directory Submission
Topic: Business 1:01 am EDT, Jun 10, 2010

WL Marketing provides various kinds of SEO services like directory submissions to promote websites within precisely defined time frames.

Directory Submission

cheap pocket bikes
Topic: Business 12:52 am EDT, Jun 10, 2010

Cheap pocket bikes and dirt bikes. Online store for cheap mini dirt bikes, pit bikes and pocket rockets.

cheap pocket bikes

find cell phone number by name
Topic: Business 1:31 am EDT, Jun  9, 2010

It used to be much harder to obtain a persons cellular phone number, the laws were a lot stricter. However, recent changes in the law will allow you to now be able to get that persons cell phone number, but you will need to get help from one of these web sites. That is, unless you can find the persons number by typing their name in to a search engine. This may be possible, but it is not probable. If you can't find the number yourself then a cellular phone directory will be your best bet to being able to find cellphone numbers.

find cell phone number by name

Help to Find Anyone's Cell Phone Number Easily
Topic: Business 1:31 am EDT, Jun  9, 2010

Use This to Find Someone's Cell Phone Number

Help to Find Anyone's Cell Phone Number Easily

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