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Current Topic: Biology

Super Squid Surfaces in the Antartic!
Topic: Biology 7:38 pm EST, Apr  3, 2003

] A colossal squid has been caught in Antarctic waters, the
] first example of Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni retrieved
] virtually intact from the surface of the ocean. [...]
] "Now we can say that it attains a size larger than the
] giant squid. Giant squid is no longer the largest squid
] that's out there. We've got something that's even larger,
] and not just larger but an order of magnitude meaner."
] This squid has one of the largest beaks known of any
] squid and also has unique swivelling hooks on the clubs
] at the ends of its tentacles. This combination allows it
] to attack fish as large as the Patagonian toothfish and
] probably to also attempt to maul sperm whales. [...]
] "It's only half to two-thirds grown, so it grows up to
] four metres in mantle length." By comparison, the mantle
] of the giant squid, Architeuthis dux, is not known to
] attain more than 2.25 metres. [...]

Super Squid Surfaces in the Antartic!

New Scientist - Superbug strain hits the healthy
Topic: Biology 2:46 am EST, Mar  8, 2003

] The CDC is still analysing the bacteria responsible for
] these outbreaks. But Bancroft says initial tests show the
] same strain is responsible for all the outbreaks in Los
] Angeles, and that it appears to be the same as a strain
] first isolated in New York in 1997. It may be more
] virulent because it has a gene called PVL, which codes
] for a potent toxin.

More info on the Superbug

New Scientist - Superbug strain hits the healthy

The super-bugs have arrived!
Topic: Biology 1:08 pm EST, Feb 11, 2003

] A bacterial infection that overpowers most antibiotics
] has escaped the confines of hospitals and is showing up
] in alarming numbers among the general public in
] California, according to health officials.

Ugh. Apparently, there's a huge outbreak in the Castro. Great.

The super-bugs have arrived!

Girl finds two-headed toad in Hopkinton
Topic: Biology 3:41 pm EST, Jan 27, 2003

] Take a quick look at the pair of toads 4-year-old Casey
] Dicken found in her grandparents' pool yesterday, and
] they look relatively normal.
] They may even look like they're doing something a
] 4-year-old shouldn't see and probably wouldn't
] understand.
] But look closer, and there's something different about
] the two toads.
] They are one. They're connected. The two amphibians are
] conjoined, un-identical twins.

Girl finds two-headed toad in Hopkinton

Environment News 14/9/2001 Found! The longest bird penis ever
Topic: Biology 5:18 pm EST, Dec 11, 2001

now, that bird is hung.

Environment News 14/9/2001 Found! The longest bird penis ever

#1 Viagra and Vioxx Anti-Aging Clinic for Men and Women with Viagra, Vioxx, Renova, Celebrex, Cipro and Biotropin available with an online prescription.
Topic: Biology 6:48 pm EDT, Oct  8, 2001

Purchase Cipro for that post-exposure Anthrax inhalation.

this is awful! = cyan

#1 Viagra and Vioxx Anti-Aging Clinic for Men and Women with Viagra, Vioxx, Renova, Celebrex, Cipro and Biotropin available with an online prescription.

Topic: Biology 6:27 pm EDT, Oct  8, 2001

everything you ever wanted to know about the anthrax vaccine.


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