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can i become the media but yet still hate it?


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"Wise men make proverbs and fools repeat them" --Samuel Palmer

Fujitsu's Plasma Tube Technologies Herald Advent of 100-Inch-Plus Flat-Screen Displays - FUJITSU
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:56 pm EST, Nov 13, 2003

] This technology heralds the advent of large-screen
] flat-panel displays measuring more than 100 inches
] diagonally that are lightweight, can be configured into
] different shapes with a high degree of flexibility, and
] that can be produced using smaller-scale equipment than
] required for the production of conventional PDPs of
] similar size.

mmm...... 100 inch plasma displays

Fujitsu's Plasma Tube Technologies Herald Advent of 100-Inch-Plus Flat-Screen Displays - FUJITSU - Flynt won't publish topless Lynch photos - Nov. 11, 2003
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:16 pm EST, Nov 11, 2003

] Pornographer Larry Flynt says he bought nude photos of
] Pfc. Jessica Lynch to publish in Hustler magazine, but
] changed his mind because she's a "good kid" who became "a
] pawn for the government."

People don't give Flynt enough credit (sometimes). Is it funny to anyone else that "Pornographer" is a title used by the media? - Flynt won't publish topless Lynch photos - Nov. 11, 2003

Monument From Hell - Make room for a Matthew Shepard hate monument in a town square near you. By Emily Bazelon
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:07 pm EST, Nov 11, 2003

] Now the Kansas reverend wants to put up a 6-foot-tall
] monument in Casper's Central Park that you can view here.
] A bronze plaque on the monument would read:
] Matthew Shepard Entered Hell October 12, 1998, at age
] 21 in Defiance of God's Warning: "Thou shalt not lie with
] mankind as with womankind; it is abomination." Leviticus
] 18:22

Every day I feel more justified in my distaste for stupid christian groups. How can you take a message such as that which Christ ostensibly stood for, and go so far awry?

Monument From Hell - Make room for a Matthew Shepard hate monument in a town square near you. By Emily Bazelon

the supernicety: veteran's day
Topic: Society 1:58 pm EST, Nov 11, 2003

] so today is veteran's day. a day that in the past has had
] little to no meaning for me (selfish twentysomething),
] despite the fact that both of my grandfathers were highly
] decorated servicemen. on a normal year, this is a day
] where i would drive up to a bank, post office, etc, and
] bitch and complain about this *unknown* federal holiday
] and wonder what was going on. today is a little
] different, however. more than likely due to hightened
] political involvement on my part due to howard dean's
] candidacy, this war (and it is still war, no matter what
] the president tells us) we have found ourselved in is
] beginning to shape and change our generation. i have a
] good friend, with whom I graduated at emory law, who is
] about to enter the army jag corp at the end of the year.
] never did i think that instead of practicing law, he will
] more than likely be handling a machine gun. but it took a
] posting on daily kos today, linking to an op-ed at the
] new york times, to really make me think about the
] significance of today. The article, found here, consists
] of a few short exerpts of final letters home from
] soldiers who have since been killed in the line of duty,
] in President Bush's war. please go and read those
] letters. and remember that people are getting killed--
] families destroyed. while these soldiers are pawns in
] Bush's plan (or lack thereof), we, as his challengers,
] should not simply hold up the statistics day in and day
] out as proof that we are right. we should remind everyone
] of the human cost of this terrible strategy, one that
] even Bush's father condemned.
] "And just a reminder-- Bush hasn't attended a single
] funeral. He doesn't have the balls to stand up to these
] grieving families and tell them his war was worth the
] sacrifice these families are paying." -- DailyKOS,
] November 11, 2003, writer is a veteran.

Go to for the links. Sorry, i didnt feel like reformatting it again.

the supernicety: veteran's day

The Memory Hole: Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, by George Bush Sr.
Topic: Current Events 12:54 pm EST, Nov 11, 2003

] On 21 September 2002, The Memory Hole posted an extract
] from an essay by George Bush Sr. and Brent Scowcroft, in
] which they explain why they didn't have the military push
] into Iraq and topple Saddam during Gulf War 1. Although
] there are differences between the Iraq situations in 1991
] and 2002-3, Bush's key points apply to both.
] But a funny thing happened. Fairly recently, Time pulled
] the essay off of their site.

The Memory Hole: Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, by George Bush Sr.

[BarlowFriendz] 9.8: Spectacles in the Desert
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:51 pm EST, Nov 10, 2003

] If someone like Karl Rove had wanted to
] neutralize the most creative, intelligent, and
] passionate members of his opposition, he'd have a
] hard time coming up with a better tool than
] Burning Man. Exile them to the wilderness, give
] them a culture in which alpha status requires
] months of focus and resource-consumptive
] preparation, provide them with metric tons of
] psychotropic confusicants, and then... ignore
] them. It's a pretty safe bet that they won't be
] out registering voters, or doing anything that
] might actually threaten electoral change, when
] they have an art car to build.

No one has ever expressed my thoughts on burning man more accurately.

[BarlowFriendz] 9.8: Spectacles in the Desert - Report: Kerry fires campaign manager - Nov. 10, 2003
Topic: Current Events 8:54 am EST, Nov 10, 2003

] Kerry's whose wife is the heiress of the Heinz ketchup
] fortune, is expected to announce this week whether he
] will follow suit and invest his family's money in his bid
] for the White House.

wow, that's a different approach to campaign finance reform. - Report: Kerry fires campaign manager - Nov. 10, 2003 - Dean skips public funding for White House bid - Nov. 8, 2003
Topic: Society 12:34 pm EST, Nov  8, 2003

] In a historic move, Democratic presidential hopeful
] Howard Dean will skip public financing and the spending
] limits that come with it, hoping his money-raising power
] can help win the nomination and unseat President Bush,
] campaign officials said Saturday.

historic indeed. never been done before. hear hear, i say... - Dean skips public funding for White House bid - Nov. 8, 2003

Dean for America: A Declaration of Independence by the People of Dean for America
Topic: Current Events 12:33 pm EST, Nov  8, 2003

] WE, therefore, the architects and builders of Dean for
] America, appealing to the Wise Judgment of the American
] people on our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by
] Authority of the good People of these United States,
] solemnly Publish and Declare, the People of these United
] States are, and of Right ought to be, FREE AND
] INDEPENDENT CITIZENS, they have full Power to
] participate, deliberate, pursue the common good, protect
] their own interest from corruption, and to do all other
] Acts and Things which INDEPENDENT CITIZENS may of right
] do. And for the support of this Declaration, we mutually
] pledge to each other to write letters, knock on doors,
] organize our neighbors, self- fund this effort, and vote.

Howard Dean today became the first presidential challenger to decline federal matching funds. His supporters (disclosure:including myself) voted 85% to 15% to do so. Perhaps we will now have a chance to defend against Bush's prospective $200M war chest for the presidency.

Dean for America: A Declaration of Independence by the People of Dean for America

Dean Campaign Manager worked at Progeny
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:48 am EST, Nov  7, 2003

] Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi has admitted on numerous
] occasions (including this Slashdot post) that his time in
] Silicon Valley affected his thinking about politics. "I
] used to work for a little while for Progeny Linux
] Systems," Trippi told cyber-guru Lawrence Lessig in an
] August interview. "I always wondered how could you take
] that same collaboration that occurs in Linux and open
] source and apply it here. What would happen if there were
] a way to do that and engage everybody in a presidential
] campaign?"

Wow, I had no idea that Joe Trippi worked with Ian....

Dean Campaign Manager worked at Progeny

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