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Nuclear Policy Research Institute
Topic: Current Events 11:43 pm EDT, Apr 25, 2003

] The mission of the Nuclear Policy Research Institute
] (NPRI) is to produce massive, effective, ongoing public
] education campaigns in major U.S. media about the
] often-underestimated dangers of nuclear weapons and power
] programs and policies. NPRI takes as its inspiration
] Thomas Jefferson's observation that "an informed
] democracy will behave in a responsible fashion" and
] believes that the only way to counter the perilous and
] tremendously expensive nuclear programs is to inform the
] U.S. public, its policy makers, and the global community
] about the true economic, social, political, biomedical,
] and moral costs of ongoing nuclear policies.

Nuclear Policy Research Institute - Technology - Millions of obsolete PCs enter waste stream - April 12, 2000
Topic: Current Events 11:30 pm EDT, Apr 25, 2003

Part of the problem is no one group wants to take
] responsibility for hardware disposal.
] Many user companies and analysts say PC companies should
] take back retired hardware. Indeed, some do -- but only
] for their very biggest customers and only if a deal is
] made at the time of purchase or lease.
] Garbage collection companies say PC makers should use
] safer, nontoxic materials during manufacturing.
] PC companies generally say that local governments should
] set up facilities for the safe disposal of computer junk.
] But computers are a mix of varied, and sometimes toxic,
] materials. That makes recycling difficult and
] time-consuming, because someone has to separate the
] parts, said Gary Kelman, an officer at the National
] Association of Environmental Professionals in South
] Portland, Maine. - Technology - Millions of obsolete PCs enter waste stream - April 12, 2000

Happy endings for cast-off PCs |
Topic: Current Events 11:18 pm EDT, Apr 25, 2003

] How to keep e-waste from becoming an export
] Lower labor costs and lenient regulations encourage some
] US electronics-recycling companies to export end-of-life
] equipment to less-developed foreign countries. Up to 80
] percent of materials collected by recyclers in North
] America goes abroad, according to Jim Puckett,
] coordinator of Basel Action Network (BAN) in Seattle.

Happy endings for cast-off PCs |

No More Victims
Topic: Current Events 9:16 pm EDT, Apr 25, 2003

] When Bush and his PR team tell you to be afraid, or Ari
] Fleisher tells you to watch what you say, remember the
] revealing words spoken by Herman Goering during the
] Nuremberg trials:
] "Of course the people don't want war... That is
] understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the
] country who determine the policy, and it's always a
] simple matter to drag the people along whether it's a
] democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a
] communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can
] always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is
] easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being
] attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of
] patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works
] the same in any country."
] -- Hermann Goering, Adolf Hitler's Deputy Chief and
] Luftwaffe Commander, at the Nuremberg trials, 1946 from
] "Nuremberg Diary" by G M Gilbert (Signet, New York,
] 1947).

No More Victims

Poets Against the War
Topic: Current Events 9:12 pm EDT, Apr 25, 2003

] The 11,000 poets whose work is published on this site
] were part of the largest outcry of poets in history
] against the war. After the fall of Baghdad and other
] Iraqi cities, and as the fighting winds down, it is
] important for us to celebrate this eloquent demand for
] peace, and to pledge ourselves to continue this work for
] peace. We'd like to invite you to join us in a special
] event on the first of May -- a celebration of the voices
] of the many poets worldwide who contributed this spring
] to the web site.

Poets Against the War

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