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'United 93- Is U.S. ready for a 9/11 film? .........Will the U.S. ever be ready????


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'United 93- Is U.S. ready for a 9/11 film? .........Will the U.S. ever be ready????
Topic: Current Events 11:23 pm EDT, May  3, 2006

If movie trailers are supposed to cause a reaction, the preview for "United 93" more than succeeds. Featuring no voice-over and no famous actors, it begins with images of a beautiful morning and passengers boarding an airplane. It takes you a minute to realize what the movie's even about. That's when a plane hits the World Trade Center. The effect is visceral. When the trailer played before "Inside Man" last week at the famed Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, audience members began calling out, "Too soon!" In New York City, where 9/11 remains an open wound, the response was even more dramatic. The AMC Loews theater on Manhattan's Upper West Side took the rare step of pulling the trailer from its screens after several complaints. "One lady was crying," says one of the theater's managers, Kevin Adjodha. "She was saying we shouldn't have [played the trailer]. That this was wrong ... I don't think people are ready for this."

So the question is is the US ready for this film. Since this started my question has been what do you mean "ready"? If the answer is that it won't hurt then the answer of course is no and will never be yes. But we can't just not address the issue because it hurts. I was reminded of this question last night as I was watching Family Stone with my family. If you have not seen the movie there are issues about the mother having breast cancer and her imminent death. This was a painful movie for me to watch because I was there and it brought back all of those feeling of anguish and sorrow. I am sure this movie about Flight 93 has the same effect but that doesn't mean it shouldn't exist. If I hadn't seen the family stone until 10 years or more after the ordeal with my mother I doubt the reaction would be any different. So I think the U.S. is as ready as it will ever be. In other words in order to move on you have to accept the past and use it to move forward

'United 93- Is U.S. ready for a 9/11 film? .........Will the U.S. ever be ready????

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