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Falling in love can kill you!


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Falling in love can kill you!
Topic: Health and Wellness 9:27 am EST, Feb  7, 2005

] Falling in love may be a great feeling but the next time you feel
] lovesick,missing your sweetheart, rush straight to a doctor as now
] the doctors have warned that the throes of passion should
] be seen as a potentially fatal medical disorder.

] Psychologists say that "lovesickness" is a genuine
] disease that needs more awareness and diagnosis and those
] little actions that are normally seen as symptoms of the
] first flush of love like, buying presents, waiting by the
] phone for a call or making a bit of an effort before a
] date, may actually be signs of deep-rooted problems to
] come.

] According to the Independent, in a report in The
] Psychologist magazine, Tallis has suggested that the
] effects of being lovesick could be described in the
] latest diagnostic terms with its symptoms including
] mania, such as an elevated mood and inflated self-esteem,
] or depression, revealing itself as tearfulness and
] insomnia.

] Aspects of obsessive compulsive disorder can also be
] found in those experiencing lovesickness, such as
] preoccupation and obsessively checking for text messages
] and e-mails.

] "The average clinical psychologist will not receive
] referral letters from GPs and psychiatrists mentioning
] lovesickness.However, careful examination of the
] sanitised language will reveal that lovesickness may well
] be the underlying problem. Many people are referred for
] help who cannot cope with the intensity of love, have
] been destabilised by falling in love, or who suffer on
] account of their love being unrequited," Tallis was
] quoted by the paper, as saying.

] And all this can lead a person to commit suicide, warns
] Tallis.

Now you can't say you didn't know that falling in love causes mental illness to occur.

Falling in love can kill you!

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