] North Korea has launched an intensive media assault on ] its latest arch enemy - the wrong haircut. ] A campaign exhorting men to get a proper ] short-back-and-sides has been aired by state-run ] Pyongyang television. ] The series is entitled Let us trim our hair in accordance ] with Socialist lifestyle. ] It stressed the "negative effects" of long hair on "human ] intelligence development", noting that long hair ] "consumes a great deal of nutrition" and could thus rob ] the brain of energy. ] A second, and unprecedented, TV series this winter showed ] hidden-camera style video of "long-haired" men in various ] locations throughout Pyongyang. ] In a break with North Korean TV's usual approach, the ] programme gave their names and addresses, and challenged ] the fashion victims directly over their appearance. ] State radio programmes such as "Dressing in accordance ] with our people's emotion and taste" link clothes and ] appearance with the wearer's "ideological and mental ] state". ] Tidy attire "is important in repelling the enemies' ] manoeuvres to infiltrate corrupt capitalist ideas and ] lifestyle and establishing the socialist lifestyle of the ] military-first era," the radio says. ] "People who wear other's style of dress and live in ] other's style will become fools and that nation will come ] to ruin," it says. Aparently many of those among us are killing their brain's ability with excessive amounts of hair. We will not even start on the "style of dress" N Korea wages war on long hair |