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Cost Of War Too High For One Little Girl
Topic: Current Events 12:12 pm EST, Apr  4, 2003

] The photograph's caption doesn't give her a name. Nor
] does it name the man who cradles her. He is just "a
] Marine medic" And she is just "a 4-year-old
] girl."
] He sits cross-legged on the ground, one heel scraping a
] small hollow in the sand, eyes closed as he holds her.
] She curls into the fetal position, her bare feet pale in
] the sun. Her doll fingers reach to touch his camouflaged
] chest, the pink sleeve of her sweater smudged with blood.
] Her mother, we are told, was killed in the crossfire near
] a place called Rifa.
] That is one way we might describe it. Another way, the
] military way, is shorter and simpler: collateral damage.
] Or, if that seems a bit abstract, there's
] "liberated," the Newspeak of our patriotic age.
] Of course, those words mean nothing to the 4-year-old
] girl. She is too young to have the words she needs to
] frame her world's end. There is only the incomprehensible
] fact of her mother's absence, this strange, helmeted man.

Cost Of War Too High For One Little Girl

Michael Moore's anti-war Oscar speech drives web traffic
Topic: Current Events 12:10 pm EST, Apr  4, 2003

] Michael Moore's anti-war speech at this week's Oscars
] made his website the most visited political site, in a
] week where traffic to political websites rocketed by 16%
] in response to the invasion of Iraq.
] According to Hitwise, 16% of hits on
] came from Google, after British viewers saw the comedian
] and satirist making his "shame on you, Mr Bush" speech
] when he collected the best documentary award for 'Bowling
] for Columbine'. The site captured nearly 8% of the market
] share, and figures show that 6.27% of visitors bookmarked
] the site.

Michael Moore's anti-war Oscar speech drives web traffic

'All Your Base' Signs Land Seven in Court
Topic: Current Events 12:07 pm EST, Apr  4, 2003

] Sturgis police arrested seven Sturgis men for placing
] more than 20 threatening letters on various businesses,
] schools, banks and at the post office. At least 12 signs
] were posted Monday morning. Another 20 were put up
] Tuesday evening, according to Sturgis police.
] The letters all read "All your base are belong to us and
] you have no chance to survive, make your time."

The bar for committing a "terrorist act" is pretty damn low these days.

Ahh.. This will remind the world of the whole "all your base" thing, and within a week we will have an "all your base" take on the Iraq war.. I know it..

'All Your Base' Signs Land Seven in Court

U.S.: Vials, chemical manuals found in Iraq
Topic: Current Events 9:23 am EST, Apr  4, 2003

] U.S. troops found thousands of boxes of white powder,
] nerve agent antidote and Arabic documents on how to
] engage in chemical warfare at a military factory south of
] Baghdad, U.S. officers said Friday. But a senior U.S.
] official familiar with initial testing said the powder
] was believed to be traditional military explosives, not
] an ingredient for weapons of mass destruction.

At least the white powder wasn't an export from the Columbia drug cartel.

U.S.: Vials, chemical manuals found in Iraq

Support the Warrior Not the War: Give Them Their Benefits!
Topic: Current Events 6:31 pm EST, Apr  3, 2003

The House of Representatives have recently voted on the 2004 budget which will cut funding for veteran's health care and benefit programs by nearly $25 billion over the next ten years. It narrowly passed by a vote of 215 to 212, and came just a day after Congress passed a resolution to "Support Our Troops." How exactly does this vote support our troops? Does leaving our current and future veterans veterans without access to health care and compensation qualify as supporting them?

The Veteran's Administration, plagued by recent budget cuts, has had to resort to charging new veterans entering into its system a yearly fee of $250 in order for them to receive treatment. It is a sad irony that the very people being sent to fight the war are going to have to pay to treat the effects of it.

Support the Warrior Not the War: Give Them Their Benefits!

FBI, Joint Terrorism agents search home in Hillsboro
Topic: Current Events 4:35 pm EST, Apr  3, 2003

] A software designer was being held Thursday as a material
] witness in a terrorism investigation after FBI agents
] searched his Hillsboro home and his office at Intel.
] According to neighbors and co-workers, Maher Mofeid
] Hawash, 38, was the target of Thursday's searches by the
] FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.
] Hawash was booked into the Multnomah County Detention
] Center on Thursday afternoon and put on a "material
] witness hold" at the request of the U.S. Marshal's
] Service, a sheriff's department spokesman said. A
] material witness designation allows the government to
] hold someone in order to compel testimony.

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, our friend and colleague Maher (Mike) Hawash was arrested ("detained") as a "material witness" by the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force in the parking lot of Intel Corp's Hawthorne Farms parking lot. Simultaneously, FBI agents in bulletproof vests and carrying assault rifles awoke Mike's wife Lisa and their three children in the home, which they proceeded to search. Since then, Mike has been held in the Federal Prison at Sheridan, OR.

FBI, Joint Terrorism agents search home in Hillsboro

Two New Mexico teachers placed on leave over war posters
Topic: Current Events 4:31 pm EST, Apr  3, 2003

] ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico - Two high school teachers said
] they have been placed on leave for refusing to remove
] war-related student artwork posted in their classrooms.
] Highland High School teachers Allen Cooper and Geoffrey
] Barrett said Tuesday they were told Monday night that
] they would be suspended if they did not remove the
] posters.
] Barrett, who teaches history and current events, said the
] student art carried both anti-war and pro-war messages,
] and was created as part of a class assignment.
] "I think this is mostly a violation of the students'
] rights to have a voice and express their opinions,"
] Barrett said. "Asking me to take down the posters was
] taking away the voice of the students and I was not going
] to do that."

Two New Mexico teachers placed on leave over war posters

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage
Topic: Current Events 4:29 pm EST, Apr  3, 2003

] An Iraqi Shi'ite Muslim leader has urged Iraqis not to
] hinder U.S. invading forces after previously asking them
] to resist efforts to topple President Saddam Hussein, a
] Shi'ite group in the UK said on Thursday.
] In a religious ruling, or fatwa, Shi'ite cleric Grand
] Ayatollah Ali Sistani urged Iraqis to stop fighting in
] and around the Shi'ite holy shrine of Najaf, the Al Khoei
] foundation in London told Reuters.
] Grand ayatollahs are the highest authorities in Shi'ite
] Islam and Sistani is the only one in Iraq. The fatwa
] applies nationwide.
] "Until now the Shias of Iraq and the followers of Sistani
] were confused on whether to take up arms against the
] Americans, whether to fight," said a spokesman for the
] foundation, which represents followers of Sistani.

Reuters | Latest Financial News / Full News Coverage

Chinese Hackers plan attacks to protest war
Topic: Current Events 10:25 pm EST, Apr  2, 2003

] Chinese hacker groups are planning attacks on U.S.- and
] U.K.-based Web sites to protest the war in Iraq, the
] Department of Homeland Security warned in an alert that
] it unintentionally posted on a government Web site
] yesterday.

Interestingly, it was April 1st yesterday, too. One wonders if this is a case of "April fools!" or "April fool me once, shame on me."

Chinese Hackers plan attacks to protest war

Iraq war a 'milestone' for Web news
Topic: Current Events 12:36 pm EST, Apr  2, 2003

] More than half of wired Americans have been going online
] to get news and commentary about the war in Iraq, at
] least twice the number of people who usually turn to the
] Internet for news, a new survey found. The study by the
] Pew Internet & American Life Project also found that the
] popular independent Web diaries known as blogs have
] gained a small, but growing, foothold in the online news
] world.

... including Memestreams.Net

Iraq war a 'milestone' for Web news

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