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Yahoo! News - World Photos - Reuters
Topic: Current Events 11:25 am EDT, Apr  9, 2003

This is the child John Lee Anderson wrote about in his New Yorker piece.

Yahoo! News - World Photos - Reuters

Ex-SAS commando discusses covert operations
Topic: Current Events 11:24 am EDT, Apr  9, 2003

] A U.S. airstrike on Monday targeted a building in Baghdad
] that time-sensitive intelligence suggested senior Iraqi
] leaders, including Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and his
] sons, were meeting there.
] How is intelligence like that gathered and how reliable
] is it?

Finally, something about the real bad asses in this conflict. Special Forces.

Ex-SAS commando discusses covert operations

The Register
Topic: Current Events 11:21 am EDT, Apr  9, 2003

] The war against Iraq may be drawing to a close but the
] war over its Internet future is just beginning.
] As with the overthrow of the Afghanistan regime by US
] forces, it is widely thought that the removal of Saddam
] Hussein from power will see the Middle Eastern country
] catch up with the rest of the world in terms of Internet
] infrastructure and use.
] Currently, there is limited, expensive and
] state-controlled Internet use in Iraq, beamed via
] satellite since sanctions on the country have made it
] unable to install pipes and networks. In the north of the
] country, the Kurds have set up their own system free from
] Baghdad control by riding on the back of satellite feeds
] for Turkey. It too, however, remains very costly.
] But any Internet construction in Iraq will inevitably
] take place through its assigned country-code top-level
] domain - .iq.

I want the domain, :)

The Register

World War IV
Topic: Current Events 3:43 pm EDT, Apr  8, 2003

Bob Barr states:
] Some of you may think that I have always been in
] politics, but I haven't. There was a time in the
] distant past, in a land far, far ago, where I actually
] worked as a professional. Came to a job every day. Was
] held to certain standards, where I had actual job
] evaluations and had to get raises and so forth, and I
] actually enjoyed it. It was at the CIA. I spent close to
] eight years at the Agency back in the 1970's. Having
] the opportunity this weekend to visit with Jim Woolsey
] and have the honor of introducing him here today really
] is wonderful.

Woolsey, as someone else has pointed out, makes Rush Limbaugh look like a lilly-white long-haired liberal. The article makes for interesting reading, although it makes me shake my head in disbelief in places.

World War IV

Sneak attack against the American people
Topic: Current Events 11:45 am EDT, Apr  8, 2003

] With public attention riveted on the war in Iraq,
] politicians may be planning to launch a sneak attack
] against the American people.
] Their weapon: Patriot II, a piece of legislation that
] would give the government frightening new powers,
] including the ability to make secret arrests, issue
] secret subpoenas, create a vast new DNA database and even
] strip Americans of their citizenship and deport them.
] Formally called The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of
] 2003 (DSEA), the legislation has been shrouded in
] secrecy, prompting civil liberties groups to fear the
] government has been waiting for an opportunity -- such as
] war or another terrorist attack -- to rush it through
] Congress. That's exactly what happened with the USA
] Patriot Act, which passed the House and Senate with
] lightning speed just six weeks after the September 11
] terrorist attacks.
] Now with war raging in Iraq, history may be about to
] repeat itself.

Sneak attack against the American people Spotlight - Canada and the War Against Iraq - World Perspectives
Topic: Current Events 10:53 pm EDT, Apr  7, 2003

] Two camps have formed regarding whether military action
] should be taken against Saddam Hussein. The United States
] and Britain are strong advocates for military action,
] while Russia, China, Germany and France are seeking
] alternative solutions to the issue.
] This split is apparent in the United Nations. The United
] States and Britain have been pushing for a UN resolution
] calling for military force if Iraq refuses the return of
] weapon inspectors into the country. Russia, France, China
] and many Arab states have opposed such a resolution.

Further on in the article, it is noted that the Iraqi governemnt is indebted to the countries of France, Russia, and many of the Arab states.

Things that make you go "Hmmmm." Spotlight - Canada and the War Against Iraq - World Perspectives

Seoul's diplomacy aims at U.S. fears
Topic: Current Events 2:45 pm EST, Apr  4, 2003

] Top government and Blue House officials will travel to
] the United States this month as part of a concerted
] diplomatic effort aimed at addressing North Korea's
] nuclear capability and the local economy.
] The policymakers will deal with pressing economic issues,
] such as the countervailing tariff on Hynix Semiconductor
] Inc. and credit-rating agencies' move to lower
] Korea's sovereign debt rating.
] They will also prepare for President Roh Moo-hyun's
] first-ever visit to the United States, which is slated
] for May.

Seoul's diplomacy aims at U.S. fears

Atlantic Monthly Editor Killed in Iraq
Topic: Current Events 2:35 pm EST, Apr  4, 2003

] Michael Kelly, 46, the Atlantic Monthly editor-at-large
] and Washington Post columnist who abandoned the safety of
] editorial offices to cover the war in Iraq, has been
] killed in a Humvee accident while traveling with the
] Army's 3rd Infantry Division.
] Kelly, the first American journalist killed in the war,
] had also served as editor of the New Republic and
] National Journal. But his decision to join up with U.S.
] forces marked a return to his reporting roots, since he
] covered the first Persian Gulf War as a magazine
] freelancer and turned his observations into a book,
] "Martyrs' Day."

One of our own.

Atlantic Monthly Editor Killed in Iraq - Saddam: 'Hit them hard' - Apr. 4, 2003
Topic: Current Events 12:35 pm EST, Apr  4, 2003

] Later, Abu Dhabi television broadcast videotape showing a
] man who appeared to be Saddam walking through excited
] crowds. The Jordanian Embassy told CNN's Nic Robertson
] that the scenes appeared to have been shot on the western
] outskirts of Baghdad. Another man seen on the tape
] appeared to be Abid Hamoud, Saddam's press secretary.

Perhaps next we will see Elvis walking beside him.;) - Saddam: 'Hit them hard' - Apr. 4, 2003

'Al-Jazeera' more popular than 'sex'
Topic: Current Events 12:15 pm EST, Apr  4, 2003

] The Web portal Lycos reported that "Al-Jazeera" and
] variant spellings became its top search term last week,
] with three times more searches than "sex."

'Al-Jazeera' more popular than 'sex'

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