] Almost ten years ago, in 1994, David Burkhead, myself, ] and a mismatched crew of science-fiction writers, model ] rocketeers, and techno-junkies started a project to ] design a home-built suborbital rocket. We called it ] SpaceCub The idea of SpaceCub was sparked by the (then ] recent) success of the tail-landing DC-X rocket, and ] fueled by the thought, wow, wouldn't it be cool to have ] one of those to fly around in The key insight that gave ] the project momentum was the realization that, while ] everybody wants to go to orbit, it would not be nearly as ] hard to design a vehicle to fly to the edge of space ] (defined as 50 miles or 100 kilometers, depending on ] who's doing the definition). That task would be ] relatively simple, compared to the difficult challenge of ] getting into orbit-in fact, it might even be in the range ] of something you could build in your garage. Remembering SpaceCub |