] "I want ___, Give it to me ___, Buy me ___" seem to be ] the constant demand of some children. Some children feel ] owed or entitled to get their way. While it is normal for ] a child to ask for what he wants, some children are ] overly demanding and needy. They have not learned to ] balance taking from others with giving; they view other ] people as existing merely to give to them. Too often we see this syndrome in the Internet Era where persons had something "for free" and then are upset when the company offering it for free now wants to start charging for a non-base level of service. Or when a game changes its rules for the better, others perceive it as strictly aimed at their own enjoyment and are sure they are being persecuted , and that the game owners owe them better treatment. Arrrrrrrrrrgh. For Teachers: You Owe Me! Children of Entitlement |