] A practical joker has stirred up trouble by publishing a ] Japanese-to-English phrase book with incorrect ] definitions for every phrase! ] ] Now thousands of Japanese tourists who've painstakingly ] studied the bogus dictionary in preparation for trips to ] America are arriving on our shores only to encounter ] blank stares, hysterical laughter or even brutal beatings ] as soon as they open their mouths. ] ] "The man who compiled this dictionary clearly went out of ] his way to wreak havoc," says New York hotel concierge ] Jacqueline Porseman, who arranges tours for many VIP ] guests from Japan. ] ] "For instance, when the Japanese think they're asking ] 'Can you direct me to the rest room?' the book actually ] has them saying, 'Excuse me, may I caress your buttocks?' Yahoo! Top Stories - Bogus Dictionary Lands Tourists In Trouble! |