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BBC NEWS | UK | 'Spring is new summer' - report
Topic: Current Events 5:29 am EDT, Apr 18, 2007

Two events in nature that usually herald the beginning of summer have started already, say researchers looking into reports from the public.

The blossoming of hawthorn and return of migrating swifts - usually in May - have prompted the Woodland Trust to declare "spring is the new summer".

BBC NEWS | UK | 'Spring is new summer' - report

RE: Virginia Tech Newsrolls
Topic: Current Events 5:56 am EDT, Apr 17, 2007

dc0de wrote:

adam wrote:

people go crazy + guns = this

i'm not suggesting recinding the 2nd amendment -- i think that would be a great but it's never gonna happen and even in the unlikely event of it being done too many Americans will never disarm

Well, if we disarm all of the populous, then we'll be just like Britain.

The police don't have weapons, and the criminals do.

The reason I'm never going to disarm, is that it's my right to bear arms, just as it's my right to free speech.

I don't think that the issue here is one of Guns, it is one of a twisted individual, making it his last stand, and taking too many people with him.

Would you say that we should stop using fertilizer and diesel fuel if he had done the same with a bomb?

I realize that this is a tragedy, and my thoughts and prayers go out to those who have lost loved ones. But a knee jerk reaction to remove my right to bear arms is not the answer.

you're missing the minor point I was making

if we disarm all of the populous, then we'll be just like Britain.

things like this virtually don't happen here because people aren't allowed guns
Dunblane happened and we had a law banning hand guns
when people go crazy here they do it with knives or swords
which obviously lessens the body count

the main point I was making however is that disarming America just isn't a viable option whatever the law says because as of now there are just too many guns in circulation and too many people who will never surrender their guns -- it would be more like Prohibition if such legislation was passed

passing legislation restricting guns in the UK is a lot easier because we start from a very different position than u in America

but your point about freedom is spurious
no freedom is absolute
free speech isn't absolute
your right to bear arms isn't absolute

what about nuclear weapons
your government has nuclear weapons
the founding fathers argument was that the population should be armed so it can overthrow the government
but that argument is politely and reasonably ignored now with reference to nuclear weapons

there's a SF novel by Charles Stross called Iron Sunrise in which they have replicator/nano technology and in one of the opening scenes one of the central characters has to go in and negiotiate with a nutter who has a home grown nuclear weapon

re fertilizer apart from Oklahoma u don't have a history of fertilizer bombs
Britain does via the IRA so here if someone buys chemicals in sufficient quantities that could be used to build bombs then flags will go up

when u have more experience of domestic terrorism u might do the same

RE: Virginia Tech Newsrolls

RE: Virginia Tech Newsrolls
Topic: Current Events 7:41 pm EDT, Apr 16, 2007

Decius wrote:
There is no sense to be made of this.

people go crazy + guns = this

i'm not suggesting recinding the 2nd amendment -- i think that would be a great but it's never gonna happen and even in the unlikely event of it being done too many Americans will never disarm

as Decius said "There is no sense to be made of this." it's a car wreck or a train wreck
random horror
u can't control it -- rationalise it -- or completely prevent it
sometimes life throws curve balls
so just pray u don't find yourself in the path of the tornado

hold your loved ones closer for a few days -- get up in the morning and carry on

RE: Virginia Tech Newsrolls

Britain reviews phrase 'war on terror' | - Houston Chronicle
Topic: Current Events 7:12 pm EDT, Apr 16, 2007

A member of Tony Blair's Cabinet on Monday brought out into the open a quiet shift away from the U.S. view on combatting extremist groups, acknowledging that British officials have stopped using the expression "war on terror" favored by President Bush.

Britain reviews phrase 'war on terror' | - Houston Chronicle

Pearls Before Breakfast -
Topic: Arts 8:14 pm EDT, Apr 12, 2007

By most measures, he was nondescript: a youngish white man in jeans, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a Washington Nationals baseball cap. From a small case, he removed a violin. Placing the open case at his feet, he shrewdly threw in a few dollars and pocket change as seed money, swiveled it to face pedestrian traffic, and began to play.

No one knew it, but the fiddler standing against a bare wall outside the Metro in an indoor arcade at the top of the escalators was one of the finest classical musicians in the world, playing some of the most elegant music ever written on one of the most valuable violins ever made. His performance was arranged by The Washington Post as an experiment in context, perception and priorities -- as well as an unblinking assessment of public taste: In a banal setting at an inconvenient time, would beauty transcend?

Joshua Bell graces the DC Metro, and almost no one notices. This is an amazing read.

Pearls Before Breakfast -

BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Outrage at India menstrual form
Topic: Current Events 9:36 am EDT, Apr 11, 2007

Women civil servants in India have expressed shock at new appraisal rules which require them to reveal details of their menstrual cycles.


BBC NEWS | World | South Asia | Outrage at India menstrual form

Making the U.N. Look Good - New York Times
Topic: Current Events 3:49 am EDT, Apr 10, 2007

The United Nations. Among mainstream American political thinkers, those three words elicit reactions that run the gamut from deep antipathy to less deep antipathy. O.K., I’m overstating the case. Many liberals will go all the way to deep ambivalence, and some venture further.

Making the U.N. Look Good - New York Times

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Joni Mitchell - why the fuss?
Topic: Arts 8:42 am EDT, Apr  9, 2007

Having vowed never to record again, one of pop's most lauded singer-songwriters, Joni Mitchell, is returning with a new album this year. A tribute album is also due for release and Radio 2 was recently granted a rare interview. Is this the resurfacing of just another rock relic or that rare event: a comeback worth waiting for?

Joni Mitchell is a goddess

BBC NEWS | Magazine | Joni Mitchell - why the fuss?

NIN Hurt to Cash to Kermit
Topic: Arts 3:18 pm EDT, Apr  8, 2007

This totally made my day. \m/

NIN Hurt to Cash to Kermit

A Boy and his Frog - A Tribute to Jim Henson
Topic: Arts 3:12 pm EDT, Apr  8, 2007

This is a very sweet tribute :)

A Boy and his Frog - A Tribute to Jim Henson

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