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BBC NEWS | Magazine | Blogs on the bombs |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
9:29 am EDT, Jul 11, 2005 |
At their most mundane, weblogs record the minutiae of the author's day. On Thursday this trivia became the biggest story in the world.
more blogs Hooray us Brits BBC NEWS | Magazine | Blogs on the bombs |
you and me and the devil makes three - |
Topic: Current Events |
9:17 am EDT, Jul 11, 2005 |
Snurched, stolen, thefted, nicked and generally swiped from all around. I will unapologetically update as and when ... unless someone objects to being quoted in which case I will, in fact, apologise.
quotes on LJ from British citizens about the bombing. Hooray for us Brits I particularly like the comments about tea (the great lubricatant of our civilisation) and the comment that to make Britain grind to a halt arrange an inch of snow (we stop curtesy of God and England (if you're English} penalty shoot outs) nuts to the terrorists you and me and the devil makes three - |
London Pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
9:20 am EDT, Jul 10, 2005 |
London Pride is tolerant of dry, shady conditions. It grows to a height of 15-30 cm (6-12 inches) and provides rapid ground cover without being aggressively invasive, and in late spring produces a mass of small pale pink rosette flowers growing from succulent stems. It will grow well in neglected or unfavourable urban spaces where few other flowers flourish, and is a common garden escape. In particular tradition holds that it rapidly colonised the bombed sites left by the London Blitz of the early 1940s. As such it is symbolic of the resilience of London and ordinary Londoners, and of the futility of seeking to bomb them into submission.
London Pride - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia |
The Greening of the Kibbutz |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
8:12 am EDT, Jul 3, 2005 |
Samar is a very radical community. One of the stories that circulates around the Kibbutz Movement about them is the story of their common purse. They used to have cash freely available in a basket in the dining room, whoever needed any could go and help themselves. This wasn't actually denied, but I saw no evidence of this basket when we had lunch together there. However, they do set their own budgets, both of money and of labor days, and the different members differing needs are respected and catered for. They are not strong on committee work, preferring to give themselves an anarchic freedom to do the things that seem best to each one. And they keep themselves solvent, generating a profit each year to invest in projects of various kinds. On the way down to the dairy farm Brian showed me some solar powered glow lights, enough to mark the path on moonless nights.
The Greening of the Kibbutz |
LIVE 8 – The Long Walk to Justice |
Topic: Arts |
8:11 am EDT, Jul 3, 2005 |
Thank you shannon for giving passes to the show in philly. It rocked. I particularly enjoyed the JayZ + Linkin Park show. Not that I like JayZ or Linkin Park particularly... it was just the specticle. Other bits of note: * Sarah McLachlan did an extremely moving set, but when does she not? * Natalie Portman had a ultra short buzz cut. * As much as I didn't want to admit it Dave Matthews puts on a pretty good show. * Black Eyed Peas rocked it. * And the drummer from Def Leppard (still) only has one arm. But the whole point of the shows is to raise awareness during the G8 summit about the plight of extreme poverity. Bono thinks he can cure it with music. I was pretty sceptical of the whole idea, but after seeing 1M people in philly all jamming... maybe, just maybe, it sinked in to a some. And some is a start, because the problem is pretty bad. Raising awareness for the G8 summit and creating a forum to let world leaders know that there is global support for this cause is a good start. Listen to me... getting all soft on those damn poor people. LIVE 8 – The Long Walk to Justice |
Topic: Current Events |
5:35 pm EDT, Jun 27, 2005 |
Now if this doesn't make you proud to be a tennessean, I don't know what does. I read this article and was so disgusted by our police departments' corruption that I had to recommend this link. ---Opheria 'Policing Gays' |
RE: Female Kansas Senator: Women shouldn't have to vote |
Topic: Current Events |
5:15 pm EDT, Jun 27, 2005 |
Women should definitely vote. How stupid this lady is to suggest otherwise. However, that said, true women's lib, to me, means being free to choose your path. I chose to give my career up to raise my child. I am grateful that I can do this. Being a mommy is one of the very best, most rewarding jobs I think there is. If anything though, doing my best to be the best mommy that I can be, makes me even more aware of current events, as they WILL effect my child one day. For a woman to suggest that other women need not vote? ::::::::SHIVER::::::::: Can I go punch her? RE: Female Kansas Senator: Women shouldn't have to vote |
Female Kansas Senator: Women shouldn't have to vote |
Topic: Current Events |
4:33 pm EDT, Jun 13, 2005 |
"Wasn't it in the best interest of our country to give women the right to vote?" Furtado asked the senator. "Not necessarily so," O'Connor said. Although she does vote, O'Connor said in two subsequent interviews with The Kansas City Star that if men had been protecting the best interests of women, then women would not be forced to cast ballots and serve in the state legislature. Instead, they could stay home, raise families and tend to domestic duties, she said. Asked if she supports the 19th Amendment, the Republican lawmaker responded: "I'm an old-fashioned woman. Men should take care of women, and if men were taking care of women (today) we wouldn't have to vote. "I'm sorry women have not been taken more care of," she said. "We have gotten the short end of the stick."
... Damn. I'm not sure which is worse that she believes that sh*t or that she got elected spouting that sort of repressive nonsense. It looks from this side of the Atlantic like another example of Christian fundamentalists and the United States of Bigotry. And you lot should unilaterally run the planet? Does she also think that you should get back to the real spirit of the Jeffersonian constitution and only white male slave owners should have power. Female Kansas Senator: Women shouldn't have to vote |
Proof that british people have a strange sense of fun |
Topic: Games |
3:40 pm EDT, Jun 11, 2005 |
This video is a little slow to start up, but worth the wait. Watch it full screen, because you won't believe your eyes otherwise. Basically, some people have come up with one of the scariest arcade games ever, and are simply waiting for new victims, er players, to step and stick in some coins. Proof that british people have a strange sense of fun |
CNN.com - Stage set for '.xxx' Internet addresses - Jun 2, 2005 |
Topic: Technology |
9:48 am EDT, Jun 3, 2005 |
The Internet's primary oversight body approved a plan Wednesday to create a virtual red-light district, setting the stage for pornographic Web sites to use new addresses ending in "xxx"
Lauren Weinstein has observed that this may open pandora's box as conservative groups move to push content into this TLD and ban it. Legislatures will write laws requiring ISPs to block it, as well as requiring sites with certain content to be listed under it. Some sites which are clearly not porn sites but which have some content which may be inappropriate for children will be forced into this box under duress, and they'll fight back. And then there is the matter of interstate commerce. In sum, this is going to start a constitutional fireworks show. Furthermore, I want to point out that ICANN is totally inept at choosing TLDs in general. I don't think that they should be allowed to do it. They have too much power to shape the internet, they are really not accountable to anyone, and they are terrible at it. Consider .BIZ. Self respecting people do business, not "bizzzzzz." Bizzzz is what people who fence stolen goods do. No one uses that tld. .XXX is simply a bad choice for a domain name. They should have used .SEX. XXX implies hard core porn. SEX is far more likely to be acceptable to a wider range of websites and I think would result in fewer legal battles. For example, sites about sex education would love to be listed under .sex, but would refuse to be classified as XXX. However, the conservative christians will want them clumped into the red light district so they can block them more easily, and so the fireworks... Not to mention that .KIDS, which I think is a great idea, and presents fewer legal difficulties, is still considered a bad idea by ICANN. Obviously some people might have different opinions about content that is appropriate for the .kids tld, but the issue is likely to be less contentious as no one will be forced into the domain. I actually considered applying for a position at ICANN, but I am not Joi Ito. Yet. CNN.com - Stage set for '.xxx' Internet addresses - Jun 2, 2005 |