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BBC NEWS | Americas | Pill propelled into abortion debate
Topic: Current Events 10:54 am EDT, Sep 15, 2004

] "They've done so much with outlawing and restricting
] access to abortion that they've set their sights on birth
] control because there's nothing else really they can do
] to further restrict abortion here in Wisconsin," Ms Boyce
] says.
] "Which is counter-intuitive because if you're against
] abortion in the least you'd think you would see the value
] in enhancing access birth control, the very means women
] look to preventing pregnancy and the need for abortion."

BBC NEWS | Americas | Pill propelled into abortion debate

Op-Ed Columnist: Mr. Bush's Glass House
Topic: Current Events 10:43 am EDT, Sep 15, 2004

President Bush's paramount problem with his National Guard years is not that he took shortcuts in 1972. The problem is that he still refuses to come clean about it.

There's no doubt that Mr. Bush benefited from favoritism. The speaker of the Texas House has acknowledged making the call to get Mr. Bush into the National Guard.

Does any of this matter? What troubles me is less Mr. Bush's advantage three decades ago and more his denial today. Mr. Bush's own route to avoid the draft underscores the disparities in America, yet his policies seem based on a kind of social Darwinism in which the successful make their own opportunities. His tax cuts and entire outlook seem rooted in ideas not of noblesse oblige, but of noblesse entitlement.

The pilots I interviewed who were in Alabama then are pretty sure that Mr. Bush was a no-show at required drills.

The next year Mr. Bush skipped off to Harvard Business School. He still had almost another year in the Guard he had promised to serve, but he drifted away, after taxpayers had spent $1 million training him, and he never entirely fulfilled his obligations.

More than three decades later, that shouldn't be a big deal. What worries me more is the lack of honesty today about that past - and the way Mr. Bush is hurling stones without the self-awareness to realize that he's living in a glass house.

Op-Ed Columnist: Mr. Bush's Glass House

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Israel not following 'road map', says Sharon
Topic: Current Events 10:27 am EDT, Sep 15, 2004

] The road map to peace was launched last year, envisaging
] a Palestinian state by 2005. The plan did not specify the
] borders of that state, but senior US officials said
] Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza had to come
] to an end.
] The US president, George Bush, has since said it would be
] "unrealistic" to expect Israel to remove large West Bank
] settlements - a statement interpreted by Mr Sharon as
] backing for his plan to keep large settlement blocs in
] any future deal with the Palestinians.

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Israel not following 'road map', says Sharon

Bush's Words Contradict Agenda (
Topic: Current Events 9:59 am EDT, Sep 15, 2004

] Rhetorically, Bush has made the promotion of democracy,
] especially in the Middle East, a central theme of his
] administration. "This young century will be liberty's
] century," Bush said last month at the Republican National
] Convention. "By promoting liberty abroad, we will build a
] safer world."
] Last year, in a speech before the National Endowment for
] Democracy, Bush criticized past administrations for
] turning a blind eye to autocratic governments in the
] Middle East. "Sixty years of Western nations excusing and
] accommodating the lack of freedom in the Middle East did
] nothing to make us safe -- because in the long run,
] stability cannot be purchased at the expense of liberty,"
] Bush said.
] But, with only tentative and belated exceptions, mostly
] involving Powell, the Bush administration has remained
] largely silent as Putin has slowly dismantled democratic
] institutions, including taking over or closing all
] independent national television channels, establishing
] dominance of both houses of parliament, reasserting
] control over the country's huge energy industry and
] jailing or driving into exile business tycoons who have
] defied him.

Bush's Words Contradict Agenda (

Matt Drudge: Fair & Balanced Blogger - ASK THE WHITE HOUSE - WHITEHOUSE.ORG
Topic: Current Events 6:17 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] Matt Drudge is the founder, publisher, and tirelessly
] heterosexual editor of The Drudge Report, the Interweb's
] number one source of indisputably objective political
] news. Eschewing formal training and so-called
] investigating, this former CBS studio gift shop cashier
] has single-handedly reinvigorated modern journalism with
] his trademark blend of 100 point headlines, anthrax
] forecasts, and blow-by-blow updates on the all-important
] rumored exchange of Democrats' bodily fluids. Today Mr.
] Drudge happy to take your questions -- right here on

I used to read Drudge regularly, until I decided that too many of his "exclusives" didn't have any evidence, and by the time you noticed, he was busy hyping some other unsubstantiated rumor.

I guess both campaigns have learned from Drudge, this election.

This is a great spoof.

Matt Drudge: Fair & Balanced Blogger - ASK THE WHITE HOUSE - WHITEHOUSE.ORG News | Bush: Democrats make
Topic: Current Events 5:26 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] "What would you expect from a senator from
] Massachusetts?" Bush said, as a partisan crowd cheered
] the reference to Kerry's home state and its liberal
] leanings.

Steam would explode out of Rush Limbaugh's ears if Kerry similarly slammed a red state. News | Bush: Democrats make

FTL and Time Travel Paradoxes
Topic: Science 4:59 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] Here's a discussion of (instantaneous) FTL and causality
] that shows how to make a time machine (and hence results
] in time-travel paradoxes).

FTL and Time Travel Paradoxes

Heaven Sent - Does God endorse George Bush? By Steven Waldman
Topic: Current Events 1:03 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] Gen. William "Jerry" Boykin, who got in trouble for
] derogatory comments about Islam, argued that it must have
] been God who selected Bush, since a plurality of voters
] hadn't. "Why is this man in the White House? The majority
] of America did not vote for him. He's in the White House
] because God put him there for a time such as this."

Heaven Sent - Does God endorse George Bush? By Steven Waldman

Ananova - Fruity sweet wrappers spark complaint
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:25 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] Graduates from St Blasien Jesuit College, near Freiburg,
] were complaining about the new wrappers for Haribo's
] Maoam sweets.
] In a letter to the firm, they wrote: "We are shocked at
] the shameless presentation of sexual practices on the
] wrapping, which includes not only sexual intercourse but
] also fellatio and cunnilingus."

[ Well, they are pretty suggestive, but it's probably the kind of thing that you only notice if you aleady comprehend sex, so i'm not sure if it's really harmful. Pretty funny if you ask me. -k]

Ananova - Fruity sweet wrappers spark complaint

U.S. Judge Rejects Law to Block Child Porn on the Web
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:24 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) - A Pennsylvania law allowing the
] state to force Internet service providers to block access
] to child pornography sites is unconstitutional, a federal
] judge ruled on Friday.
] Judge Jan Dubois, of the U.S. court for the Eastern
] District of Pennsylvania, found that the law was
] unconstitutional because technology used to block the
] sites would also prevent users from accessing sites that
] had nothing to do with child pornography.
] "With the current state of technology, the act cannot be
] implemented without excessive blocking of innocent speech
] in violation of the First Amendment," the judge wrote.
. . .
] Federal courts including the U.S. Supreme Court have
] several times rejected efforts to curb online
] pornography, as violations of constitutional free-speech
] protections.

I am encouraged to see that as the lawsuits involving the internet are moving through the U.S. legal system, that we're seeing more and more courts and judges who "get it" when it comes to the internet. Not so many years ago, much of mainstream society was completely baffled by cyber-culture. But they're catching up and better understanding how things work.

Not that I'm glad that ISPs are allowed to link to child porn -- I just think that the better solution is that once such porn sites have been identified, that legal action should be taken directly against those sites, and not at the ISPs that provide access!

U.S. Judge Rejects Law to Block Child Porn on the Web

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