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From User: Decius

Current Topic: Technology

CoreLabs: Vulnerability in PuTTY
Topic: Technology 1:41 pm EDT, Aug  5, 2004

] We have found that by sending specially crafted packets
] to the client during the authentication process, an
] attacker is able to compromise and execute arbitrary code
] on the machine running PuTTY or PSCP.

CoreLabs: Vulnerability in PuTTY

Mastering the Art of the Swipe
Topic: Technology 1:40 pm EDT, Jul 26, 2004

Like the heads in a VCR, the ones in card readers can wear out. After all, they are reading cards at an extraordinary rate. The busiest turnstile in the subway system, turnstile No. 10 in the middle array by the escalators in the main entrance to the subway below Grand Central Terminal, reads a whopping 236,000 cards a month.

I thought that was a neat factoid. I can imagine New Yorkers saying to themselves, "I know that turnstile!"

The article is rich in trivia about heavy-duty magnetic card readers and the millions of people who (ab)use them.

Mastering the Art of the Swipe

Semacode: BarCode to URL translation for the people
Topic: Technology 1:22 pm EDT, May  5, 2004

Well, I've been agitating for some friends of mine to help me work on this for the better part of a year. Now, its here. But the glory goes to someone else.

I wish I had a compatible cellphone...

This is word for word what Decius, Timball and I were talking about this winter. Damn. Well, looks like we can prt his copde to other platforms, adopt it to do what we wanted with it.

Semacode: BarCode to URL translation for the people

My day as an election judge - Avi Rubin
Topic: Technology 11:44 pm EST, Mar  3, 2004

] It is now 10:30 pm, and I have been up since 5 a.m. this
] morning. Today, I served as an election judge in the
] primary election, and I am writing down my experience
] now, despite being extremely tired, as everything is
] fresh in my mind, and this was one of the most incredible
] days in my life.

My day as an election judge - Avi Rubin

Verisign Sues ICANN to reinstate Sitefinder!
Topic: Technology 5:52 pm EST, Feb 26, 2004

] The dispute over who controls key portions of the
] Internet's address system erupted into open conflict
] today when VeriSign Inc., the world's largest addressing
] company, sued the Internet's most visible regulatory
] body, charging that it has been unfairly prevented from
] developing new services for Internet users.

Yeah, services that corrupt the DNS trees worldwide by making resolve.

Verisign Sues ICANN to reinstate Sitefinder!

AP Wire | 02/12/2004 | State: Touchscreen ballots don't have to be recounted
Topic: Technology 12:56 pm EST, Feb 15, 2004

] there," Hood said. "I think these things are raised for
] political purposes and distractions. Any effort to
] undermine that public confidence is a tactic that is
] wrong and I believe it weakens our democracy by causing
] voters to doubt if their vote has been counted."

So actively questioning whether my vote is being counted properly is "undermin[ing]" democracy? More like ensuring a democracy by making sure my vote counted. This is like those folks who say voicing opposition to the War in Iraq/War on Terrorism is anti-American. None of these actions could be any more American.

AP Wire | 02/12/2004 | State: Touchscreen ballots don't have to be recounted

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