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I am a hacker and you are afraid and that makes you more dangerous than I ever could be. - White House downplays job predictions - Feb. 18, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:34 pm EST, Feb 18, 2004

] Asked about the 2.6 million jobs forecast, McClellan
] said, "The president is interested in actual jobs being
] created rather than economic modeling."
] He quoted Bush as saying, "I'm not a statistician. I'm
] not a predictor."

He should have also added "I can't do math." We've lost 2.2 million, and he thinks not only can we stop the bleeding, but gain 2.6 million jobs. In 10 months.

Step 1. Lose 2.2 Million jobs, Start War, implement Trickle-down-economics with Tax Cuts
Step 2. ?
Step 3. Haliburton Profits - White House downplays job predictions - Feb. 18, 2004

Dean throws in the towel
Topic: Society 3:02 pm EST, Feb 18, 2004

Decius wrote:
] ] Today my candidacy may come to an end--but our campaign
] ] for change is not over.

why. won't. this. rock. bleed!

Dean has been like a zombie from a bad horror movie these last 2 weeks. He's been dead, but keeps walking, and his dialog was pathetic. Sadly his death wails weren't quieter

Dean throws in the towel

News about Ender's Game: The Movie
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:48 pm EST, Feb 18, 2004

[Harris already knew Ender's Game well; Dougherty only read it in preparation for this assignment. "That's an ideal combination," said Card. "One of the team is absolutely familiar with the elements of the story that the most committed fans will expect to see, while the other will be able to make sure it isn't just a movie for people who already love the book.]

Ahhh yes, lets look at some other great Hollywood momments where they want to make sure the movie isn't "just for fans of the book".

At Disney:
SW1: Wow, Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island. what an amazing piece of literature! Lets start out by..

SW2: [INTERRUPTING] Yeah... if you live in the 1800's. So I'm thinking ships, a pair of aliens that are always hitting each other, and .... no wait, get this!... ROBOTS! In fact, lets get rid of the whole island thing... and make it a...

Marketing: Talking piece of cheese?

SW2: NO! a whole Planet!. With Cartoons! A naked-Jessica Rabit-meets-StarTrek-but-not-campy-planet! Thats what we'll call it: Naked Planet!

Marketing: Hmmm I like it I like it.... but lets change the whole thing. And we _have_ to call it Treasure Planet!

SW2: Yeah Treasure Planet! A kind of Judy-Garland-on-drugs-meets-drunken-Brando-orgie-of-killing.

Marketing: With a dog. Kids like Dogs. And we have to cast Paris Hilton. So we can all nail her. [drools]

SW1: uhhhhh....Guys? The books is about pirates... and gold. We have the chance to get kids interested in reading older books. I mean this tale is really a beautiful story about the coming of age of a boy who...

SW2: [INTERRUPTS] FINE! killing robot _PIRATES_, who ... like gold?

Marketing: No! Make them _Golden_ Robot pirates... it will make a great Cereal Tie in. "Kelloggs Golden Robots!" We'll be showering in money for weeks! While nailing Paris Hilton!

SW2: Yeah! Hilton can play the Kids mom! She needs an operation, but the kid is poor, and so he has to kill all the golden robots and melt them down!

Marketing: How about, the mom needs her fillings replaced! Gold fillings will bring in the "Urban" crowd.

SW1: ... While we are at it, why don't we just hook up a generator to RLS' corpse and generate electricity from the spinning?

Marketing: Oh No, no way! Corpses didn't test well with the focus groups. Lets make it ... a spinning piece of cheese! Kraft will be busting down our door!

SW2: Yeah! And the Cheese can give advice! ... Like Jimminy Cricket!

I mean come on, Besides LOTR, and possibly Silence of the Lambs, they _ALWAYS_ fuck up the movies.

News about Ender's Game: The Movie

No, I use Linux
Topic: Local Information 4:18 pm EST, Feb 17, 2004

Yesterday I started having brownouts with my Comcast cable modem. after reseting it, etc, to no avail, I called tech Support and asked if there were any outages. Long story short they had reassigned my modem's MAC address to someone else or something retarded like that. Before they figured out it was a settings problem on their end, I had to suffer through Support trying, and failing, to understand why I didn't have IE.

CC: Ok sir, can you please reboot the computer the modem is attached to.

ME: Its plugged into a Router.

CC: ok sir, please plug the modem directly in the computer, and restart the modem aand computer.

ME: (Plugs modem directly into hub, runs dhclient)... ok

CC: Ok sir, now open up Internet Explorer for me and go into Intetnet Options

ME ... what we are trying to do?

CC: We are trying to start IE and go into options

ME: Sorry I don't have Internet Explorer, but if you tell me what we are trying to do under options, I can do it.

CC: Sir, do you have a Mac, because they have IE as well

ME: No, I use Linux

CC:... I see... well, sir, ... I don't know what..., please hold

ME: (sings with the hold music for ~10 mins)

CC: Sir, ... so you don't have IE at all?

ME: Nope

CC: Please Hold

CC: (~10 mins later) sir please hold for Tier 2 support

CC: Tier 2 Support

ME: (Explains problem)

CC: We don't support Linux. Now if you could open IE...

... SIGH ... After setting up a proxy to go through, they see their mistake, and I'm up and running.

AP Wire | 02/12/2004 | State: Touchscreen ballots don't have to be recounted
Topic: Technology 12:56 pm EST, Feb 15, 2004

] there," Hood said. "I think these things are raised for
] political purposes and distractions. Any effort to
] undermine that public confidence is a tactic that is
] wrong and I believe it weakens our democracy by causing
] voters to doubt if their vote has been counted."

So actively questioning whether my vote is being counted properly is "undermin[ing]" democracy? More like ensuring a democracy by making sure my vote counted. This is like those folks who say voicing opposition to the War in Iraq/War on Terrorism is anti-American. None of these actions could be any more American.

AP Wire | 02/12/2004 | State: Touchscreen ballots don't have to be recounted

On Lisa Rein's Indictment: Daily Show On The Shrub's Meet The Press Interview
Topic: Current Events 1:53 pm EST, Feb 14, 2004

Yup, here it is if you missed it. The Daily Show on the Meet the Press Interview. The facial expressions are something that didn't make the transcript. This might have been a very different interview had I seen it on video.

On Lisa Rein's Indictment: Daily Show On The Shrub's Meet The Press Interview

George W Bush or Emperor Palpatine?
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:58 pm EST, Feb 12, 2004


George W Bush or Emperor Palpatine? - Teen accused of BMW scam - Feb. 12, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:50 pm EST, Feb 12, 2004

] A teenage boy posing as a banker duped an Ohio car
] dealership into delivering a $123,000 BMW to him at his
] high school, police said Thursday.

... wow this was ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy. - Teen accused of BMW scam - Feb. 12, 2004

F/A-18A Navy Blue Angel Hornet
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:22 pm EST, Feb 12, 2004

[Well... I may actually have a chance to be a Blue Angel afterall...]

Ahh the Internet: he giveth the porn and the fighter planes

F/A-18A Navy Blue Angel Hornet

Secure Electronic Transaction Specification
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:12 pm EST, Feb 12, 2004

A great way to protect all types of transactions. The Credit Card companies refuse to adopt it because it anonymizes people and their transactions, and thus they would no longer be able to sell the data.

Hashing is your friend

Secure Electronic Transaction Specification

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