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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Super Size Me - A Film of Epic Portions
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:50 am EDT, May 27, 2004

] During the journey, Spurlock also put his own body on the
] line, living on nothing but McDonald's for an entire
] month with three simple rules:
] 1) No options: he could only eat what was available over
] the counter (water included!)
] 2) No supersizing unless offered
] 3) No excuses: he had to eat every item on the menu at
] least once
] It all adds up to a fat food bill, harrowing visits to
] the doctor, and compelling viewing for anyone who's ever
] wondered if man could live on fast food alone.
] The film explores the horror of school lunch programs,
] declining health and physical education classes, food
] addictions and the extreme measures people take to lose
] weight and regain their health.

Nice to see someone trying to educate people about this.

Bewarned: Ugliest. Webdesign. Ever.

Super Size Me - A Film of Epic Portions

Area 51 hackers dig up trouble
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:38 am EDT, May 26, 2004

] So when Clark found the new generation of road sensor,
] Arnu drove out to help investigate further. The pair
] found that, at close range, they could use a handheld
] frequency counter to pick up the wireless signals given
] off by the devices as a car passes. Over the following
] month and half, Clark and Arnu engaged in a kind of
] geocaching game with the Men in Black, systematically
] sniffing out the road sensors with the frequency counter,
] exhuming them, and opening them up. They discovered that
] each device was coded with three-digit identifier that
] could be read off an internal dial, allowing Arnu to make
] a list that correlated each unit's ID number with its GPS
] coordinates, creating a virtual map of a portion of the
] surveillance network surrounding the Groom Lake facility.
] Some of the sensors were miles away from the base.

Walking around arguably the most secret and protected military installion in the US with sensor and GPS equipment, while interfering with US government counter-measures to protect said base is a great way to get shot.

Area 51 hackers dig up trouble - Bush outlines Iraq transition - May 24, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:22 am EDT, May 25, 2004

] President Bush on Monday night warned Americans of
] "difficult days ahead" in Iraq that may "sometimes appear
] chaotic,"

Thats right, days that appear chaotic. Not to be confused with the general anarchy that currently exists.

"Apparently the Rocket Propelled Gernade is the Iraqi equivalent of 'Aloha!'"
-The Daily Show - Bush outlines Iraq transition - May 24, 2004

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:20 pm EDT, May 23, 2004

] The PNAC is quite controversial, and has raised the
] concern of many because it can be viewed as proposing
] military and economic domination of land, space, and
] cyberspace by the United States, so as to establish
] American dominance in world affairs for the indefinite
] future:hence, "the New American Century".
] PNAC declares itself to be dedicated to the fundamental
] propositions that
] * American leadership is good both for America and
] for the world;
] * Such leadership requires military strength,
] diplomatic energy, and commitment to moral principle;
] * Too few political leaders today are making the case
] for global leadership; and The United States Government
] should capitalize on its military and economic
] superiority to gain unchallengeable superiority through
] all means necessary, including military force.

... holy shit. I had heard of this group and that most of the top members of our government were present or former members, but wasn't really aware of what the organization stood for.

Kind of sheds some light into the Bush Administration' actions of late (especially the role of the UN vs the role of the US in the world)

You become the world's shining light of freedom by example, not by global military action

Project for the New American Century - Wikipedia

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | 'US soldiers started to shoot us, one by one'
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:15 pm EDT, May 21, 2004

] When reporters asked him about footage on Arabic
] television of a child's body being lowered into a grave,
] he replied: "I have not seen the pictures but bad things
] happen in wars. I don't have to apologise for the conduct
] of my men."

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | 'US soldiers started to shoot us, one by one'

Iraqi Counsil attacks each other
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:27 pm EDT, May 20, 2004

] "When America treats its friends this way, then they are
] in big trouble," Chalabi said.
] He called Thursday's raid "the penultimate act of failure
] of the CPA in Iraq."
] He said his relationship with the CPA is now
] "nonexistent."

How much of a government will there be to turn control over to in Iraq? The head of the council has been assassinated, and council itself seems plagued with rival factions all trying to cut each others throats. And we think the country will be able to survive, let alone organize and execute a general election?

What is the world smoking? Wake the hell up. June 30th is a bullshit date.

Iraqi Counsil attacks each other

MSNBC - Can Star Wars: Episode III be saved?
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:48 pm EDT, May 20, 2004

] Carrie Fisher, Princess Leia in the original trilogy, has
] said that "When George was directing, he'd only say
] two things: 'faster' or 'more intense.'" Fire Lucas
] as director, who has no sense of control over his
] storyline, encourages flat and affectless acting, and
] shellacs every scene with such a frenzy of special
] effects that they assault your senses like a strobe
] light.

Amen brother. That "running through the fields love montage" in Episode II was of 1pm-on-a-Sunday-TBS-made-for-TV shit.

Lucas is sinking some of my favorite childhood memories with the crap he's been filming. I have a feeling I'm only going to show my kids Starwars 4-6, and any kids at school who tell them there are 3 more Starwars movies are just lying like the time they said Santa wasn't real.

MSNBC - Can Star Wars: Episode III be saved? - German Couple Finds Out Stork Isn't Real
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:01 am EDT, May 20, 2004

] "We are not talking retarded people here," the clinic
] spokesman said. The two "were simply unaware, after eight
] years of marriage, of the physical requirements necessary
] to procreate."

[ Ok, how sheltered do you need to be to miss out on this knowledge. I mean, on top of that, wouldn't biology... you know, instinct, take over at some point. I guess they sleep in separate beds and don't talk about things like desire or certain physical alterations that may accompany it? Some kinda marriage.

Fuck it, I think the clinician is wrong... these people *are* retarded... in the strictest sense of the word. Their stupid families retarded them by not telling them things. So much so that some seriously fundamental human bahaviors were totally blocked. If I were them, i'd be on the phone with mom and dad right now like "HEY, WHAT THE FUCK!?"

I'm holding back the rant I want to make, but suffice it to say that i don't approve of fundamentalist bullshit or 'protecting' kids by telling them nothing, ever. This would be funny if it wasn't so sad. -k] - German Couple Finds Out Stork Isn't Real

Songs with Questionable Lyrics
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:35 am EDT, May 19, 2004

] Clear Channels List of
] Songs with Questionable Lyrics
] Artist Title
snips out a few of the 150 songs banned
] Black Sabbath "War Pigs"
] U2 "Sunday Bloody Sunday"
] Cat Stevens "Peace Train"
] John Lennon "Imagine"
] The Clash "Rock the Casbah"
] Nina "99 Luft Balloons/99 Red Balloons"

Why on earth should would songs be removed from airplay on all of Clear Channel's stations following the 9/11 attacks, when all of these are Anti-war?

Warpig - Politians start meaningless wars that cause pointless deaths, but don't worry, they will go to hell in the end

Sunday Bloody Sunday - Religious feuds only kill innocents, and no one talks about all the evils their cause inflicts. Stop the Cycle.

Peace Train - I'm sad because people are hating each other, but I am also happy because I know soon the world will grow up and be at peace

Imagine - Imagine all the people living in harmony

Rock the Casbah - Damn Arabs with their dicking us over oil

99 Luft Ballons - Some little event could trigger our total destruction, and would anyone even remeber us? War is all so petty and silly.

Songs with Questionable Lyrics

Nine Inch Nails songs pulled?
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:50 am EDT, May 19, 2004

] Following the September 11, 2001 attacks, radio
] conglomerate Clear Channel Communications sent out of a
] list of 150 songs that were recommended to be pulled from
] airplay. NIN's "Head Like a Hole" was on the list.

... WTF?

Nine Inch Nails songs pulled?

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