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Current Topic: Miscellaneous - Web site offers after-death e-mail - Sep 26, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:59 pm EDT, Sep 27, 2004

] a Spanish Internet company is breaking fresh ground on
] the Web by offering people the chance to write one last
] e-mail, complete with video clip or photo attachments,
] and send it to loved ones, friends or even enemies after
] the person who wrote it is dead.

Myself and others had to talk Virgil out of creating something similar to this, but with Suicide Notes ( I believe). He figured he could help make suicide more sucessful if he offered a mechanism for making sure the note wasn't discovered early. Of course, Virgil also wanted to retain copyright of the notes, so he could make a coffee table book of them.

Look like someone beat you to the punch Virgil. This company is totally going to get sued out of existance in a year. - Web site offers after-death e-mail - Sep 26, 2004

Mars rovers' mission extended... AGAIN!
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:31 am EDT, Sep 22, 2004

] "Although Spirit and Opportunity are well past warranty,
] they are showing few signs of wearing out," project
] manager Jim Erickson said in a statement. "We really
] don't know how long they will keep working, whether days
] or months. We will do our best to continue getting the
] maximum possible benefit from these great national
] resources."

Engineeriffic! Talk about double overage!

Mars rovers' mission extended... AGAIN!

FooCamp Kite Photos!
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:18 am EDT, Sep 22, 2004

Pictures of FooCamp, taken from the Kite cam. Very cool, and lets you see O'Reilly's campus. The design of a Kite Photo Platform will be in the premier issue of O'Reilly's Make Magazine.

FooCamp Kite Photos!

List of nuclear accidents - Wikipedia
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:54 pm EDT, Sep 20, 2004

] This is a list of notable accidents involving nuclear
] material. In some cases, these incidents involve people
] being injured or killed due to the release of radioactive
] contamination. Most incidents involve accidental releases
] that have caused contamination, but had no other
] immediate effects. Some incidents only had the potential
] to release radioactive material, and are included because
] of the tensions such incidents caused (collisions between
] nuclear-powered submarines, for instance). Due to
] government and business secrecy, it is difficult to
] determine with certainty the extent of some events listed
] below or, occasionally, whether they happened at all.

From Broken Arrows to Fading Giants, and the occasional "oh shit the mass is going critical... IN MY HAND," the funny, and not so funny history of American Nuclear accidents.

List of nuclear accidents - Wikipedia

United States Patent: 6,471,127 - Keyring Credit cards
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:40 pm EDT, Sep 20, 2004

] A data card is reduced in size from the conventional
] standard size credit card. Accessibility of the card is
] enhanced because the card may be stored in a separate
] location from conventionally sized cards, such as on a
] key-chain or similar device. The card of the present
] invention has a means for storing information, such as a
] magnetic stripe or computer chip.

The only thing in this patent that even borders on new or innovative is that due to the smaller size, the magstripe tracks much be encoded at a higher bits-per-inch. And even then the patent says they are using existing encoding technology. I can't believe this is a patent!

United States Patent: 6,471,127 - Keyring Credit cards

Will Hack For Food! - Temporary Email Accounts
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:29 pm EDT, Sep 20, 2004

] *** free disposable email accounts
] ***
] "Avoid SPAM *and* protect your privacy at the same time

Stankdawg created this project. Others exists, (like But they have no has no password protection and allowed people to reuse email address. If I know you used dodgeit to register for an account somewhere, I can simply reuse the email account name and ask the website to reset your password. Then I go claim it.

This is a cool idea.

Will Hack For Food! - Temporary Email Accounts

Romancing the phone
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:10 pm EDT, Sep 18, 2004

] You will soon be able to download an artificial
] girlfriend, then track her movements via images on a 3G
] mobile handset. All the likely suitor needs to do is push
] the right buttons -- literally.
] Aimed at males between the ages of 15 and 35, the virtual
] girlfriend uses up a lot of bandwidth -- shopping,
] dining, going to bars and the gym.
] Men who wish to take the relationship further have to
] shower the virtual girlfriend with gifts, paying with
] real money.

I love my computer
you're always in the mood
I get turned on
when I turn on you
I love my computer
you never ask for more
you can be a princess
or you can be my whore
and it's never been quite so easy
I've never been quite so happy
all I need to do is click on you
and we'll be joined
in the most soul-less way
and we'll never
ever ruin each other's day
cuz when I'm through I just click
and you just go away
(oh, click me, click me here, click on me, click me, click me here)

-Bad Religion, I Love My computer

Romancing the phone

CliffsNotes:: Free HTML versions
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:16 pm EDT, Sep 17, 2004

CliffsNotes has over 100+ of its famous study guides (or book replacements :-) ) available for free on the website.

CliffsNotes:: Free HTML versions

Neenog's World of Warcraft Shots
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:57 pm EDT, Sep 13, 2004

] Welcome to my screenshot gallery. Below you will find
] links to the various galleries I have setup here,
] including screenshots from Phase 2 and Phase 3. I have
] switched to 1600x1200 resolution for Phase 3 so the
] pictures are considerably larger

These are awesome

Neenog's World of Warcraft Shots - Localized version of
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:10 pm EDT, Sep  5, 2004 is a Atlanta-only version of They delievery pretty much anywhere inside the perimeter (and noticeably north of I-20...) with the typical Kozmo-ish stuff: Foods, snacks, movies and games.

update their delivery space is more midtown centered. Map is here:

On the cool side, all the food is from local businesses, like Jakes' ice cream, etc. - Localized version of

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