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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

The FAQs on FAQs
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:00 pm EDT, Oct  7, 2004

] Maintaining and deploying useful FAQs can be a very
] tedious process. Luckily there are a number of open
] source FAQ generation and management tools out there that
] exist to try and make it a bit easier.

The FAQs on FAQs

Dropload - Drop off downloads
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:25 pm EDT, Oct  5, 2004

] What is Dropload?
] Dropload is a place for you to drop your files off and
] have them picked up by someone else at a later time.
] Recipients you specify are sent an email with
] instructions on how to download the file. Files are
] removed from the system after 7 days, regardless if they
] have been picked up or not. You can upload any type of
] file, mp3, movies, docs, pdfs, up to 100MB each!
] Recipients can be anyone with an email address

This seems pretty cool.

Dropload - Drop off downloads

Trivia for Team America: World Police (2004)
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:47 am EDT, Oct  4, 2004

] # On 1 August 2004, the White House issued an official
] statement (based only on seeing the film's trailer) that
] they object to the film "mocking the war on terror".
] Parker and Stone responded by saying "We thank the Bush
] administration for the free press".

Trivia for Team America: World Police (2004)

Rice: Pakistani Nuke Scientist was 'brought to justice'
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:32 pm EDT, Oct  3, 2004

] Rice said Bush did not misspeak when he said that the
] network of Pakistan's A.Q. Khan -- the founder of
] Pakistan's nuclear program who was caught selling secrets
] on the global black market -- had been "brought to
] justice."
] Khan is living in a villa and was pardoned this year by
] Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf. None of Khan's
] co-conspirators have been brought to trial.
] Asked how that could be interpreted to mean Khan has been
] brought to justice, Rice said, "He has been brought to
] justice because he's out of business."

Come on! And Sadam, with almost half his country under a no fly zone and a military crumpled after 13+ years of conflict was in business? I call a fat steamy pile of BS on this one. If this doesn't show how fucked up the Bush Administrations priorities are, I don't know what does.

Rice: Pakistani Nuke Scientist was 'brought to justice'

Kodak gets to have its way with Sun, prison style.
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:31 pm EDT, Oct  3, 2004

] Eastman Kodak Co. will return to U.S. District Court next
] week to seek $1 billion in damages from Sun Microsystems
] Inc. now that a federal jury has ruled in its favor in a
] dispute over the Java computer language.
] The jury decided in Rochester on Friday that Sun
] infringed on technology belonging to Kodak when it
] developed and introduced Java more than a decade ago. The
] computer language is now used heavily by software
] developers, on the Internet and in computer schools.
] The patents describe a method by which a program can "ask
] for help" from another application to carry out certain
] computer-oriented functions. That's generally similar to
] the way Java operates, according to Kodak and other
] experts.

The jury say that the way the Java Runtime interpreter runs Java byte code was an instance of program "asking for help."

WTF?! How the hell could such a broad patent be granted? Programs helping another out? Wouldn't that include dynamic link libraries? They're code, and other programs use them to help do it task. What about System calls? The kernel is "helping" isn't it? Prior art for this patent? How about nearly every damn advance in Computer Science?

] Kodak in pre-trial documents indicated it would ask for $1.06
] billion in lump-sum royalties – a figure that represents half of
] Sun's operating profit from the sales of computer servers and
] storage equipment between January 1998 and June 2001

Software patents are being used to kill innovation, not foster it. There should be a rule that if you have a patent, and someone else does something really cool with the idea that was covered, something you never planned to or were even investigating, such as writing a cross-platform computer language, then they don't owe you jack. Of course, this would not work, but its a nice dream.

Kodak gets to have its way with Sun, prison style. Debate Transcipt
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:36 am EDT, Oct  1, 2004

] is working on a full transcript of the entire
] presidential debate. It is a work in progress which will
] be separated by question.
] The following is a part one of the first debate between
] President George W. Bush and Sen. John Kerry at the
] University of Miami. The topic of the debate is foreign
] affairs and the moderator is Jim Lehrer of PBS:

Here's the transcript, which sadly doesn't tellyou about Bush's facial expressions or tone. To me, he acted like a 13 year old girl told she can't go to the mall. Debate Transcipt

Topic: Miscellaneous 6:41 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

] Dark Tips: Mag Stripe Secrets
] Being the curious lad that he is, Kevin wanted to know
] what information is contained on the little magnetic
] stripe on his credit cards, grocery club cards, Starbucks
] card, etc. With the V3-4 Magstripe Reader from Omron
] ($40) adapted by Yoshi to a DB-15 male connector, you can
] swipe your own cards to see what;s on them. Just get
] a copy of StripeSnoop and you're on your way; note
] that some stripe have multiple tracks.

Holy Shit! Stripe Snoop was on TV!


Debate rules
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:55 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

] There are numerous rules for Thursday's presidential
] debate -- covering everything from the height of the
] lecturns to where each candidate must stand.

its weird to see what the sides argued about and why. I liked the fact that the 2 podiums are 10 ft apart, to reduce the effect of the the 5 inches Kerry has on Bush

Debate rules

Satisfaction/Intergalactic Remix
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:47 pm EDT, Sep 29, 2004

I just heard a rather cool remix on the way home. A DJ doubled the tempo of The Beastie Boys' Intergalactic, and mixed it into Benny Benassi's Satisfaction. Very very nice, with out without the power tools.

FTPDMIN: Minimal ad-hoc file transfer Windows FTP server
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:00 pm EDT, Sep 27, 2004

] Ftpdmin is a minimal Windows FTP server. Ftpdmin is
] intended to be run on an as-needed basis to do file
] transfers between Windows computers when setting up
] Windows file sharing is just too much of a bother.

A small simple FTP server that doesn't need to be installed, and also has password protection. Nice addition to my root kit.

FTPDMIN: Minimal ad-hoc file transfer Windows FTP server

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