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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Rubber Band Gatling Gun
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:31 pm EST, Nov  9, 2004

] Hand crafted in the USA, this limited edition rubber band
] machine gun is about as over the top as it gets. Using a
] mechanism similar to the famous Gatling Gun of the old
] west, it stands 44 inches from the handle to the tip of
] its barrels.
] The turret spins effortlessly through 360 degrees, and
] will tilt from 45 degrees up to 22 degrees down, so
] tracking a fast moving target is a breeze. Winding the
] handle spins the barrels and fires off the bands, and it
] has a fire rate of 560 rounds per minute, though you can
] fire off all 144 rounds in just 12 seconds if the mood
] takes you. Re-loading takes between 10 to 30 minutes -
] there's a lot of bands to load.

Hmmmm. I wonder how tought this would be to build.

Rubber Band Gatling Gun

Election result maps
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:15 am EST, Nov  9, 2004

Different scaled maps representing election results by county and state, in propotions ro population

Election result maps

The making of a Simpsons episode
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:07 pm EST, Nov  8, 2004

] After all these years "it's a fairly well-oiled machine,"
] observed Smith. Actors who are out of town, like Azaria,
] can record their lines at a convenient studio.
] When the cast is finished the animators step in. The Los
] Angeles-area animation house Film Roman creates a
] black-and-white draft, called an animatic, which reveals
] what works and what doesn't, Jean said.
] "Sometimes we do a considerable rewrite with the
] animatic. Once it's in color, the cost of changing too
] much is prohibitive," he said.
] The revised animatic is sent to South Korea for creation
] of the final version -- or almost final. If a line
] remains troublesome, the characters' lip movements
] provide enough leeway for another phrase to be subbed in.

The making of a Simpsons episode

C/C++, not Microsoft, to blame for Window's Bugs!
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:38 am EST, Nov  8, 2004

Note: Jeff Duntemann replied to this email. See it and my comments on this meme:

] If you give reports of recently discovered security holes
] in all major products (not merely Microsoft's) a
] very close read, you'll find a peculiar similarity
] in the bugs themselves. Most of them are "buffer
] overflow exploits," and these are almost entirely
] due to the shortcomings of a single programming language:
] C/C++. (C and C++, are really the same language at the
] core, where these sorts of bugs happen.) Virtually all
] software written in the United States is written in C/C++.

Mr Duntemann. (jduntemann - @ -

I was completely very confused by your editorial in Software Development Times, " The Lessons of Software Monoculture. As a computer engineer student at a major university, as well as a published author in the same "black hat" publications you refer to, I don't understand any of your claims about C/C++. Any language that makes function calls can have buffer overflows. Its is not something inherent in a language. If anyone is to blame, it is Intel for allowing an executable stack. As I'm sure you know, buffer overflows stem from writing beyond a buffer to overwrite the Stack Pointer and Frame pointer, thus changing the flow of execution to hostile code, usually inside the allocated buffer.

Yes, C and C++ in their base do not have a mechanism to test if a pointer operation is happening beyond the bounds of the allocated memory. In C++, smart pointer classes exist that keep track of things like that, and also will automatically free memory once no more pointers point to it. C/C++ are built for speed. Global pointer checking would drastically slow down the language. The problem is solved by programmers simply doing a check. Macros should even be defined to do it all for you.

My point is your claim that Buffer Overflows are the language's fault is false. It's not like the language is a mystery: it'd well known thatC/C++ has no bounds checking or no garbage collection. Any programmer who uses the language without taking the appropriate steps to protect against out of bounds access is at fault. They have no business coding applications if they don't understand what they are doing. IE: 2 year associates degrees or bullshit certifications do not a good programmer make, and all the security hazards written into the code is not only the"programmers" fault, but also the management structure that would let such an under qualified person write important applications. Further you claim this "problem" with C/C++ makes switching to something other than Microsoft "problematic." Certainly buffer overflows exists in BSD, Linux, and other alternatives. However a buffer overflow on a non-Microsoft has limited damage potential, due to the structuring of the security model.

I thank you for your time, and look forward to hearing your views on these matters.

C/C++, not Microsoft, to blame for Window's Bugs!

Pages thata will kill different browsers
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:34 am EST, Nov  5, 2004

] A set of known problems reported in my original BUGTRAQ
] posting. Related Mozilla bugs:
] 4944 MSIE bug found by ned of using
] mangleme port:
] vember/028286.html **** FUTILE WARNING FOR THOSE UNABLE
] TO COMPREHEND **** Opening them is NOT a way to test your
] browser for anything more than those documented,
] confirmed and BROWSER-SPECIFIC flaws. If you use Safari,
] Konqueror, or Uncle Betsy Own Web Browser, you need to
] download
] instead.

Pages thata will kill different browsers

mangleme: Heap/Bufferer Overflows for all!
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:33 am EST, Nov  5, 2004

] mangleme is an automated broken HTML generator and
] browser tester, originally used to find dozens of
] security and reliability problems in all major Web
] browsers (Mozilla / Firefox / Netscape, Konqueror /
] Safari, MSIE, lynx, [e]links, w3m, elvis, etc), as
] reported on BUGTRAQ.

Finding IE overflows has never been easier

mangleme: Heap/Bufferer Overflows for all!

Breakdown of GA Gay Marriage Ban
Topic: Miscellaneous 8:22 am EST, Nov  3, 2004


I'm surprised by the way different age groups voted. The Religious attendance breakdown is amusing.

Breakdown of GA Gay Marriage Ban

Epson uses inkjet technology to print circuit boards
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:29 am EST, Nov  2, 2004

] In their printing process, Epson uses two types of ink to
] produce circuit boards. The first is a conductive ink and
] the second is an insulator ink that is used to separate
] each layer from the next. This allows a printer to paint
] these inks in patterns on top of each other in an
] extraordinarily compact manner. In fact, the 20-layer
] board shown today looks only to be a a millimeter thick,
] if that.

I met a Brit at Foo camp who works for a Canon, researching this very thing. He discussed being able to "print" a fully working Cell phone that you buy online in the nezxt 15-20 years. Now, whether the end user will pay for basically a small factory when they are only "printing" the occasional purchase is up for debate, but its cool to see advances in this area.

Epson uses inkjet technology to print circuit boards

MIT Proff: Robert Morris
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:49 pm EST, Oct 31, 2004

I didn't release RTM ended up a Computer Networking professor.

MIT Proff: Robert Morris

Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:31 pm EST, Oct 31, 2004

] Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems

Extremely helpful in bring serial reader support to Stripe Snoop.

Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems

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