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Current Topic: Miscellaneous - Pilots convicted of operating plane while drunk
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:11 pm EDT, Jun  8, 2005

State evidence showed the men spent the night before their flight at a bar where their receipt shows a $142 tab for about a half dozen people. The amount covered food and the equivalent of 30 beers. About six hours later, the men went through the airport security checkpoint on the way to their flight.

Those low cost carriers have to cut costs somewhere. Apparently that means pilots with integrity - Pilots convicted of operating plane while drunk

IE as the shell (in Kiosk Mode)
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:09 pm EDT, Jun  3, 2005

In Windows, it's possible to replace the standard Explorer shell with another shell program, such as the CMD prompt or a custom written shell. What is less commonly known is that there is potential to use Internet Explorer as your shell in an embedded system, by taking advantage of IE's "Kiosk Mode". Check out this article on the Microsoft Support site about enabling Kiosk Mode.

Finally getting around to a project Stankdawg and I have been talking about for a while: Hacking Kiosks

IE as the shell (in Kiosk Mode)

Cache Missing for Fun and Profit
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:29 pm EDT, Jun  2, 2005

Paper about using HyperThreading to covertly monitor other threads

Cache Missing for Fun and Profit

SF hosts 'Masturbate-a-thon'
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:51 pm EDT, Jun  1, 2005

] According to a Yahoo! report (and yes, we've asked
] ourselves if they haven't got anything better to do down
] at Yahoo! - like cracking one off - instead of wasting
] everyone's time with these tiresome masturbation
] stories), the event was organised to "help raise funds
] for the Center for Sex and Culture, and, according to its
] organizer, provide an outlet for safe sex for those who
] enjoy pleasuring themselves in a semi-public setting".
] Jesus. No wonder Middle America is as we speak loading
] its semi-automatic rifle and flicking through the Bible
] for the bit where it says: "Ye verily, the Lord did smite
] down those who indulged in the trouser-snake monosamba."

I Love The Register

SF hosts 'Masturbate-a-thon'

EU constitution: What's at stake? - Apr 21, 2004
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:18 pm EDT, May 31, 2005

] A number of EU states say they plan to hold public votes
] if, as planned, a new constitution is signed and sealed
] at a heads of government summit in June. Here is an
] overview of the issues at stake:

I must have been missing the boat for a while here, because I didn't even know this was going on. I nice overview of the new constitution for the EU, and some of the sticking points.

EU constitution: What's at stake? - Apr 21, 2004

19% of US Females and 24% of US males smoke.
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:45 pm EDT, May 31, 2005

] In the United States, 19 percent of adult women and 24
] percent of adult men smoke, according to the U.S. Centers
] for Disease Control. Smoking is the single biggest cause
] of heart disease and cancer.

Little fact at the end of an otherwise unsurprising article. I really had no gauge of how many people in the US smoke. Some of my friends do, but its below 24%. I'd be interested in figures on smoking by education level, race, and economic status. Quick google shows some limited info about California...

19% of US Females and 24% of US males smoke.

Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:31 pm EDT, May 26, 2005

] The Illinois Senate approved a version of Gov. Rod
] Blagojevich's proposed restrictions on the sales of
] violent and sexually explicit video games to children,
] even though some senators said the idea is
] unconstitutional.
] The measure approved Thursday would require store owners
] to determine which games are too violent or sexually
] explicit for anyone under 18. Anyone selling them to a
] minor could be fined.

OK, Problem 1. Putting the burden on the shop owner to classify "obscene" games, and then fining the owner when their definition of "obscene" differs from yours. What do they expect these owners do to? Play every game that comes out every week to test it? Shouldn't they rather be, I don't know, running their damn business?

I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Parents: its not the gov't job to raise your kids for you. Stop lobbying for shitty laws because you are 'too busy' with your career to *actually* spend time teaching your kids right and wrong"

This is just golden:

] The sponsor, Sen. Deanna Demuzio, denied the measure
] would interfere with free speech rights.
] "Video games are not art or media," she said. "They are
] simulations, not all that different from the simulations
] used by the U.S. military in preparation for war."

But the saddest thing in this entire article is:

] "I'm going to vote for this bill, but I'm voting for it
] for one reason: because this is a political bill,"
] said Sen. Mike Jacobs. "If I vote against it, it will
] show up in a campaign mail piece

Senate OKs Video Game Restrictions

URL.getFile() is the sux
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:30 pm EDT, May 23, 2005

] public String getFile()
] Gets the file name of this URL. The returned file
] portion will be the same as getPath(), plus the
] concatenation of the value of getQuery(), if any. If
] there is no query portion, this method and getPath() will
] return identical results.

... WTF kind of sense does that make!

Should parse to:

Protocol: HTTP
Path: /a/long/path/
File: filename.html
Query: ?x=1&y=2


Path: /a/long/path/filename.html
File: /a/long/path/filename.html?x=1&y=2

WTF is wrong with these people?

URL.getFile() is the sux

Email of a 2600 Author mark 2
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:18 pm EDT, May 12, 2005

Eric Mtoko ( wrote:

Dear Acidus

I saw your de-cmaster card generating info on my research work,i did like you to help me know more on how to get valid credit owners information is this is also part of my research.Possibly,give me list of sites that can feed me with up-to-date info or help me get the cmaster software to get credit card informations,like card owners name,address,issuing bank e.t.c

I sincerely hope to hearing from you soon.


Dr.Eric Mtoko

Dear Eric,

Here is how I read your email:

Dear Acidus,

I am a thief specializing in stealing people's identities... ... I mean... ... a "doctor" who is doing "research." Please tell me where I can get illegal information and stolen account numbers. Also, please ignore the fact that, while I am a "doctor," my command of the English language is on par with a 11 year old Pakistani orphan.

I sincerely hope to make you an accessory to my multiple felony convictions soon.

A flaming piece of shit.

CherryOS Website: CherryOS is dead
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:38 pm EDT, May 11, 2005


Ding dong the witch is dead. Now someone needs to fucking sue these bastards.

CherryOS Website: CherryOS is dead

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