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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

NGS Research: Whitepapers
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:03 am EDT, Jul  6, 2005

The NISR team have produced a variety of detailed papers exploring technical skills development and threat dissection. These papers are provided free of charge as an addendum to our other published materials.

Mainly Application layer stuff. Some good papers, especially the Best Practices papers. I find some many banks and commerce sites that don't properly lay out their site, allowing for easy exploitation.

NGS Research: Whitepapers

Our Victory Day by Day
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:25 pm EDT, Jul  5, 2005

Ran across this today. Its a website that has old Soviet archives, photos, and reports about WWII from the Eastern front. Most of what we know about the Eastern Front comes from German records, as the Russians didn't want to give any intelligence about their milirary strengths, etc, to the Allies.

Cool stuff

Our Victory Day by Day

The IP-to-Country Handbook
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:48 pm EDT, Jun 30, 2005

Giant CSV file of 55000+ IP ranges and the countries that control them.

The IP-to-Country Handbook

Topic: Miscellaneous 4:08 pm EDT, Jun 30, 2005

I just wanted to say that I passed my second qualification exam (oral exam) on Tuesday, and am now officially a PhD candidate. Yay!

So we're partying this weekend or what?

w00t! - Court: File-sharing services can be liable for music theft - Jun 27, 2005
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:40 am EDT, Jun 27, 2005

Internet file-sharing services will be held responsible if they intend for their customers to use software primarily to swap songs and movies illegally, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, rejecting warnings that the lawsuits will stunt growth of cool tech gadgets such as the next iPod.

The unanimous decision sends the case back to lower court, which had ruled in favor of file-sharing services Grokster Ltd. and StreamCast Networks Inc. on the grounds that the companies couldn't be sued. The justices said there was enough evidence of unlawful intent for the case to go to tria

Fuck! - Court: File-sharing services can be liable for music theft - Jun 27, 2005

Google Sightseeing: WTF?
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:10 am EDT, Jun 26, 2005

Google just added satellite view for most of the world. This link is something I found in the north east part of Austrailia. Its an insanely huge structure, and Google doesn't have any more zoomed in data.

-Giant solar panel field?
-Eschalon listening post?

Google Sightseeing: WTF?

*I* am the ultimate driving machine
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:08 am EDT, Jun 22, 2005

This just annoys me: BMW. The Ultimate Driving Machine.

No its not! It doesn't drive me anywhere. *I* drive me anywhere. I am the ultimate driving machine.

The day I can hop in a BMW and say "Take me to the grocery store," and the car speaks wirelessly to my fridge to find out what I need, does a map quest to find the closest store with the best prices on what I need, accounts for traffic, and drives itself to the store, then, and only then, will it be the ultimate driving machine.

Scientists see women's brains switch off during sex | The Register
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:47 am EDT, Jun 20, 2005

A group of researchers at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands (where else?) scanned the brains of 13 women and 11 men as they were brought to orgasm by their partners. The resulting brain images were compared to images the subjects' brains while at rest.

Can you imagine writing this research proposal? The subjects will then be brought to climax using a variety of simulating agents, both biological and mechanical...

Oh course the best part is:

There was no mention of whether the results may have been affected by the fact the couples were being watched by a bunch of geeks in white coats while at least one partner had their head connected to a machine that goes bing.

Scientists see women's brains switch off during sex | The Register

Gov. Bush wants probe of Schiavo collapse
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:53 pm EDT, Jun 17, 2005

TALLAHASSEE, Florida (AP) -- Gov. Jeb Bush asked a prosecutor Friday to investigate why Terri Schiavo collapsed 15 years ago, calling into question how long it took her husband to call 911 after he found her.

In a letter faxed to Pinellas-Pasco County State Attorney Bernie McCabe, Bush said Michael Schiavo testified in a 1992 medical malpractice trial that he found his wife collapsed at 5 a.m., and he said in a 2003 television interview that he found her about 4:30 a.m. He called 911 at 5:40 a.m.

"Between 40 and 70 minutes elapsed before the call was made, and I am aware of no explanation for the delay," Bush wrote. "In light of this new information, I urge you to take a fresh look at this case without any preconceptions as to the outcome."

Instead of playing policeman, maybe Gov Bush could spend his time reading his state's constitution, understand seperation of powers, and then stopping fucking pandering to the religious right. Fucking jackass

Gov. Bush wants probe of Schiavo collapse

Oakridge TN, Nuke factory tours
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:18 pm EDT, Jun 14, 2005

OAK RIDGE, Tennessee (AP) -- The government is offering a rare glimpse of the massive machines used to enrich uranium for the "Little Boy" bomb -- the first atomic weapon used in war, dropped 60 years ago in August on Hiroshima, Japan.

"Don't you know the people in Knoxville wondered what in the world was going on out here," Department of Energy guide Ray Smith said Monday. "All this material was coming in, truckload after truckload, and nothing ever left."

For the first time, the public will be allowed to see the old calutron machines -- devices used for separating out fissionable uranium for reactor fuel or bombs -- in tours this weekend as part of Oak Ridge's annual Secret City Festival.

The tours quickly filled in advance with more than 600 people signing up.

Hmmm. I'm thinking I'll take a side trip on my way back from Phreaknic this year. Talk about delivering the package.

Oakridge TN, Nuke factory tours

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