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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

SSI Shredding Demonstrations
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:03 pm EDT, Aug 10, 2005

A movie gallery of actual shredding; from the ordinary but tough, to the surprising.

Videos of a massive industrial shredder destorying all kinds of things... like dishwashers, railroad ties, and a BMW.

SSI Shredding Demonstrations

PBS | I, Cringely . August 4, 2005 - The New Robber Barons
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:51 pm EDT, Aug 10, 2005

Cringley's got a great columns about some of our outdated regulation law could cause some serious troubles:

Here's an example of how it will work. Imagine your bank is a medium-sized publicly traded bank headquartered in the U.S. midwest with a national charter (that is, regulated by federal, rather than state, banking authorities). Now imagine your bank is not in compliance with Section 404 of Sarbanes Oxley. Section 404 requires as part of the regular audit process that the bank's accounting firm (generally one of the Big 4) certify whether or not the bank is Section 404 compliant. Accounting firms, having paid billions in penalties recently for overlooking accounting errors at companies like Enron and Tyco, aren't going to be lax about this provision. If the bank isn't Section 404 compliant, which means they haven't applied sufficient internal controls to data, the auditors will report that.

Now what?

Well, if your bank isn't in compliance (many won't be), they'll have to very quickly get in compliance. They'll also have to pay a fine and perhaps one or more officers of the bank will do some time in prison. Really.

But there is a funny thing about banks, and that's the way they are regulated and controlled, which makes possible a very different outcome in the case of a Section 404 violation. Technically, the bank can't even continue to operate, because the legal definition of a bank is as a compliant organization. So a very real possibility is that your bank will be forced to merge with another bank that IS in compliance.

That's the new scam. Big banks with sophisticated IT operations are going to appear at the doors of smaller, less sophisticated, banks literally demanding the keys. They'll take over the building, the tellers, and of course the deposits for a price tag that may well be zero.

That's a heck of a deal for everyone except the bank's current shareholders.

PBS | I, Cringely . August 4, 2005 - The New Robber Barons

Medieval loser tasered by cops.
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:19 pm EDT, Aug  8, 2005

When they arrived at his crib, McClain allegedly tried to strike a cop with a four-foot sword. After missing, McClain retreated to his basement, where he donned a chainmail armored vest and leather gauntlets to protect his arms. He also added a giant wooden mallet to his arsenal and beckoned officers to come downstairs and get him. "I'm gonna crush your fucking skulls," McClain warned. Then, in a nice rhetorical flourish (for a lunatic, at least), he added, "I have a thousand years of power." That omnipotence, however, was no match for a police Taser, which felled McClain. He was then carted off and charged with felony assault and a misdemeanor count for failing to remain at an accident scene.

By the Power of Greyskull... I... HAVE... THE {ZZZAAAPPPPPPPPPPP}!

Medieval loser tasered by cops.

River Po awash with 'cocaine'
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:52 pm EDT, Aug  5, 2005

talian scientists have discovered that the river Po contains the remains of the consumption of more than 4kg of cocaine daily - equivalent to an annual snow festival of 1,500kg per year among the Po valley's five million inhabitants.

The point of all the numbers - published in the net's Environmental Health by a team from the Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan - is that consumption of charlie in the region is much higher than previously thought. Indeed, the authorities had estimated the daily inhalation of nose candy at 27 doses (100mg) per 1,000 young adults.

These figures have now been literally blown out of the water by the test for benzoylecgonine, a byproduct of the body metabolising cocaine which makes its way into the sewer system in the normal way, and thence to the river Po.

The investigative team described the findings as "staggering", which comes as a bit of a surprise since the river Po benefits from the presence of world fashion capital Milan - generally considered to have the greatest percentage of anorexic models among its population and therefore the planet's highest per capita consumption of Bolivian marching powder.

River Po awash with 'cocaine'

Covert Channels in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:51 am EDT, Jul 20, 2005

read this later

Covert Channels in the TCP/IP Protocol Suite

XSS-Proxy: A tool for realtime XSS hijacking and control
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:49 pm EDT, Jul 19, 2005

Advanced Stuff - XSS-Proxy and Javascript Remoting attacks
There's not a lot of info here yet as I'm still working on content that will be here soon. Best bet is to review my Shmoocon slides, read the Mini-Whitepaper, and download/play with the XSS-Proxy tool.

Here are my Shmoocon 2005 Powerpoint Slides on Advanced XSS attacks and XSS-Proxy

Here is the latest draft of my XSS Attacks mini-whitepaper

XSS-Proxy Project site for file downloads and other info

Anton is the shiznit

XSS-Proxy: A tool for realtime XSS hijacking and control

'Basically, his colon ruptured'
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:22 pm EDT, Jul 19, 2005

The shocking events at the ranch were exposed after a man's body was dropped off at a hospital southeast of the city of Seattle on July 2 after his encounter with the horse.

"Basically, his colon was ruptured, along with his lower organs in that region, and he bled out," Sortland said.

A cache of hundreds of hours of videotaped man-on-beast sex sessions was found hidden in a field, Sortland said.

Police were still reviewing the recordings to determine the range of activities, according to the commander.

How much would that suck? "Great, I have to go to work to watch 8 hours of man-on-beast pr0n."

Because sex with animals is not barred by law in Washington state, no arrests have been made, according to police who nonetheless continued to investigate on Monday to determine whether any illegal activity had taken place at the ranch.

The case is being used by state legislators backing a bill that would make it illegal to have sex with beasts, Sortland said.

Memestreams needs a WTF topic.

'Basically, his colon ruptured'

MemeStreams Stickers!
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:25 am EDT, Jul 18, 2005

Frustrated by MemeStreams? Sick of our bad UI design? Tired of all these stupid people and their insipid political ideas and boring personal interests? Why start a flame war when you can take out your frustrations like a man... with firearms! Send an email to with your mailing address and I'll mail you some MemeStreams sitckers! Stick them to your car. Stick them to your laptop. Stick them to your little sister. Or better yet, take them down to the range...

MemeStreams Stickers!

The Aristocrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:44 am EDT, Jul 13, 2005

Even the Wikipedia entry is not work safe!
Even the Wikipedia entry is not work safe!
Even the Wikipedia entry is not work safe!

The Aristocrats (also known as The Debonaires in England) is a joke which has been told by numerous stand-up comedians since Vaudeville, and often only among an audience of other comedians. It has been referred to as "The world's funniest joke" and "the world's worst joke." It may be either depending on who's telling it, who's listening and the innumerable variations upon the theme. It has probably never been told the same way twice.

The joke always begins with a family walking into the office of a talent agency, and ends with the punchline "the Aristocrats!" The aim apparently is for the joke teller to fill in the middle by putting various members of the family into the most offensive sex acts and images the mind can conjure. Each joke-teller brands the joke with his own filth. The more tasteless, the better.

Here is a link to a video of South park creators telling the joke: link
Here is a page with a bunch of variations of the joke: link

I love tunneling my traffic!

The Aristocrats - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

HackTV Episode 2 is out
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:04 pm EDT, Jul 11, 2005

HackTV episode 2 is begging to be downloaded! We offer the same varieties as earlier episodes with a smaller WMV file for the dial-up windows users and the larger DIVX encoded file for the high-bandwidth users.

Stank did another great job working hard on all his projects.

HackTV Episode 2 is out

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