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Email of a 2600 Author
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:45 am EST, Nov  5, 2005

From - Sat Nov 05 02:50:29 2005
Date: Sat, 05 Nov 2005 02:50:28 -0500
From: Acidus (
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (X11/20050317)
To: tonykel nkem (
Subject: Re: sort code

tonykel nkem wrote:

: i have some valid credit card with the billing information how can i
: get or generate the cvv2 or cvc of the card plz i need reply.
: hacker kelvin

Step 1. Remove your pants
Step 2. Insert your dick into your own ass
Step 3. Go fuck yourself


Dutch dentist amputates own finger for fraud
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:43 pm EST, Nov  4, 2005

A Dutch dentist who amputated his own finger and attempted to convince insurers that it had been severed in a car crash was fined €25,000 yesterday for the failed fraud, Reuters reports.

The unnamed 50-year-old snipped off his pinkie before piling his car into a tree in Belgium. He claimed €1.8m from insurers, saying the finger had been chopped off by the vehicle's steering wheel.

However, the master fraudster had failed to consider the forensic evidence, which showed "the shape of the cut on his index finger, the level of anaesthetic in his blood and the absence of skid marks on the road" pointed to a scam.

Dutch dentist amputates own finger for fraud

Writely - Tour the Web Word Processor
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:20 pm EDT, Oct 17, 2005

Writely is a web word processor that provides simple and secure document collaboration and publishing on the web using only the browser.

Neat web appliation that includes some nice collaboration features.

Writely - Tour the Web Word Processor

O'Reilly: Hacking Maps and addresses with US Census data
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:48 pm EDT, Oct 12, 2005

The Birth of

Strangely enough, the removal of useful features from online map services seemed to occur right before a surge of interest in free sources of geodata among the free and open source software community.

Collecting this data and keeping it up to date with "ground truth squads" who go around and verify that streets are where they are supposed to be and that houses haven't up and run off, is quite expensive.

An alternative to the full expense of this data lies in the U.S. Census Bureau. They have compiled TIGER (Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system) data. TIGER data is used as part of the normal fulfillment of their duties to do an actual enumeration of the people every 10 years. This data is imperfect, but the regular tasks of census workers are similar to our own needs. They wish to identify the location of a residence based on a street address, just as we do when we geocode.

Again, it is important to stress that TIGER data is imperfect, however "imperfect but free" has its own charm. TIGER data is also used as the basis for the free TIGER Map Server offered by the Census Bureau at

There is a lot of interesting information about geography and the challenges of capturing complex and inconsistent information to be found in the TIGER documentation. But for simple geocoding, all you really need to know is that the TIGER data endeavors to include information on every street segment in the U.S. For each block, the TIGER data includes the street name, the latitude and longitude at each end of the block, and the range of address numbers for the left and the right side of the street.

O'Reilly: Hacking Maps and addresses with US Census data

First post at work...
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:55 pm EDT, Oct 11, 2005

We got a new bulletin board in the kitchen at work. When I went to get a coke around noon, someone had pinned a sign that said "First Post!!!111." About an hour later than was a sign hanging slightly below and to the right that said "+1 Funny."

Topic: Miscellaneous 4:43 am EDT, Sep 18, 2005

Toocon is great I am tired. My sploits are 1337. I see Optycs everything time I come to the west coast. West coast scene whores are hot! Ajax lets me do "very bad things"(tm). XSS is underrated. I fucking hate Linux + wireless In this bar, they fucking "REPEL" to reach this 2 story tall licquor cabineate. Its not chick fried steak, it country fried steak! I hate these trendy overprices coffee bars, I want a McDonald's biscuit, not fucking quice (you know that french crap... you know fuck spelling too)..

Dan Kaminsky should stop buy Jager shots. Thai food is great out here. Jill and I need to move here.

Its 4:42 EST, and there are people in my room!

Comics Page: Dick Tracy
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:45 pm EDT, Sep  1, 2005

Dick Tracy runs a series on Piracy. Feel is MPAA inspired. Starts 8-14 and the story is still

HAHA! The chick's name is "Laptop"

Comics Page: Dick Tracy

In Article IV of the Constitution...
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:59 pm EDT, Aug 29, 2005

President Bartlet: This kid is in highschool and he doesn't know that I can't parden a turkey?

CJ Craig: I'm betting on it sir.

President Bartlet: Where was this kid when I tried to pass my education bill?

Finnish security exec arrested over bank hack | The Register
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:27 pm EDT, Aug 19, 2005

nvestigators told local paper Helsingin Sanomat that the suspects wrongly believed that the use of an insecure wireless network in commission of the crime would mask their tracks. This failed when police identified the MAC address of the machine used to pull off the theft from a router and linked it to a GE Money laptop. Police say that stolen funds have been recovered. Four men have been arrested over the alleged theft with charges expected to follow within the next two months

The lession of the day: Always Always Always change your MAC Address before doing something you shouldn't.

Finnish security exec arrested over bank hack | The Register

There's a village in Austria...
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:06 pm EDT, Aug 15, 2005

Mayor Siegfried Hauppl has asked visitors to lay off the signs which began to attract outside attention after British and US soldiers passing through in 1945 illuminated the locals as to the English meaning of Fucking, Ananova reports.

Hauppl explained: "We had a vote last year on whether to rename the town, but decided to keep it as it is. After all, Fucking has existed for 800 years, probably when a Mr Fuck or the Fuck family moved into the area. The 'ing' was added as a word for settlement."

We reckon that Fucking has been around a lot longer than 800 years, otherwise there wouldn't have been any Fucks to lend their name to the village in the first place, would there?

Cummings GA, Fucking Austria.

There's a village in Austria...

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