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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Laughing Boy on TV?
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:26 pm EDT, Jun 11, 2006

I swear I just saw Laughing Boy on TV as one of the main people on some Ghost hunting show. I know he was in to this so I can only assume its him.

Mullet Power!

Debian -- nanourl
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:44 pm EDT, May 31, 2006

... ... hahahahahahahahahaha!

Someone made a Debian package for Nanourl, my implementation of TinyURL!

Maybe I should update that now.

Debian -- nanourl

Reporting Vulnerabilities is for the Brave
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:42 am EDT, May 23, 2006

As a consequence of that experience, I intend to provide the following instructions to students (until something changes):

1. If you find strange behaviors that may indicate that a web site is vulnerable, don’t try to confirm if it’s actually vulnerable.

2. Try to avoid using that system as much as is reasonable.

3. Don’t tell anyone (including me), don’t try to impress anyone, don’t brag that you’re smart because you found an issue, and don’t make innuendos. However much I wish I could, I can’t keep your anonymity and protect you from police questioning (where you may incriminate yourself), a police investigation gone awry and miscarriages of justice. We all want to do the right thing, and help people we perceive as in danger. However, you shouldn’t help when it puts you at the same or greater risk. The risk of being accused of felonies and having to defend yourself in court (as if you had the money to hire a lawyer — you’re a student!) is just too high. Moreover, this is a web site, an application; real people are not in physical danger. Forget about it.

4. Delete any evidence that you knew about this problem. You are not responsible for that web site, it’s not your problem — you have no reason to keep any such evidence. Go on with your life.

5. If you decide to report it against my advice, don’t tell or ask me anything about it. I’ve exhausted my limited pool of bravery — as other people would put it, I’ve experienced a chilling effect. Despite the possible benefits to the university and society at large, I’m intimidated by the possible consequences to my career, bank account and sanity. I agree with HD Moore, as far as production web sites are concerned: “There is no way to report a vulnerability safely”.

Reporting Vulnerabilities is for the Brave

London Calling
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:31 am EDT, May 15, 2006

The ice age is coming, the sun's zooming in
Meltdown expected, the wheat is growing thin
Engines stop running, but I have no fear
Cause London is burning and I, I live by the river

I had forgotten what a kick ass song this was

Illustrated Catalog Of ACME Products
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:37 am EST, Apr  2, 2006

ACME is a worldwide leader of many manufactured goods. From its humble beginnings providing corks and flypaper to bug collectors to its heyday in the American Southwest supplying a certain coyote, from Ultimatum Dispatchers to Batman outfits, ACME has set the standard for excellence.

Illustrated Catalog Of ACME Products

The Thin Mint Straw
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:05 am EST, Mar 15, 2006

Not 1, but 2 people told me about the Thin Mint Straw this weekend. I had never heard of before this weekend so I gave it a try.

-Take 1 Girl Scouts Thin Mint cookie
-Take 2 a small bites on opposite sides of the cookie. Just enough to get through the chocolate coating to the crunchy cookie
-Insert cookie into milk; use as a straw.

It sounds silly but you'll wonder why you never did it before.

Slashdot | Interview With Cryptographer Elonka Dunin
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:13 pm EST, Mar 14, 2006

Interview With Cryptographer Elonka Dunin

from the old-school-geeks dept.

An anonymous reader writes "Whitedust is running a very interesting article with the DEF CON speaker and cryptographer Elonka Dunin. The article covers her career and specifically her involvement with the CIA and other US Military agencies."

Awsome! Elonka looks like Meryl Streep in that photo.

Slashdot | Interview With Cryptographer Elonka Dunin

When WOPR isn't 'Would you like to play a game?'
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:11 pm EST, Mar  8, 2006

Bored in the final minutes of the day I did a Google search for "WOPR"

Instead of a global thermonuclear war playing computer, I found "Wing Office of Primary Responsibility"

The world would be more fun if there were global thermonuclear war playing computers running on .mil sites...

Damn you...
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:32 am EST, Jan 22, 2006

Metal Gear Solid 3 for stealing 3 days of my life... [checks watch]... shit, now its Sunday, so make that 4 days.

Google Search:Atlanta Crime
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:43 pm EST, Nov 21, 2005

[Does google search for "Atlanta Crime"]

Local results for crime near Atlanta, GA:
-Crime Victims Advocacy Council - 9.3 miles NW - 3101 Paces Mill Rd NW, Atlanta, 30339 - (770) 333-9254

-Crime Victims - 9.3 miles NW - 238 Paces Mill Rd Se, Atlanta, 30339 - (770) 384-0300

-Georgia Network To End Assault - 1.6 miles N - 131 Ponce De Leon Ave NE # 122, Atlanta, 30308 - (404) 815-5261

Google Search:Atlanta Crime

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