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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Man sues IBM over firing, says he's an Internet addict
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:08 pm EST, Feb 18, 2007

A man who was fired by IBM for visiting an adult chat room at work is suing the company for $5 million, claiming he is an Internet addict who deserves treatment and sympathy rather than dismissal.

James Pacenza, 58, of Montgomery, says he visits chat rooms to treat traumatic stress incurred in 1969 when he saw his best friend killed during an Army patrol in Vietnam.

In papers filed in federal court in White Plains, Pacenza said the stress caused him to become "a sex addict, and with the development of the Internet, an Internet addict." He claimed protection under the American with Disabilities Act.

... Wait a second here. Because he saw his buddies get killed over 28 years ago he needs to get some some dirty talking during the work day?

Ok, seriously, this is the bullshit.

Man sues IBM over firing, says he's an Internet addict

Curses! Foiled Again!
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:11 pm EST, Feb 12, 2007

Why is it that every time my cat Butterscotch walks on my laptop, he manages to step on the power button and shutdown Windows?

Man to women to man ?= man
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:45 pm EST, Feb  8, 2007

I just saw a clip for one of these daytime talk shows. The topic was men who had a sex change to become a woman, and then had a sex change back to being a man.

Won't the results be kind of like translating from English to Japanese, and then back to English again?

Quote of the Day
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:14 pm EST, Feb  5, 2007

At approx 11:10 PST this morning:

Billy: Mike, It's Billy.
Mike: ... Huh... [groan]
Billy: I'm in town for RSA, we should get together
Mike: Holy shit, thats awesome
Billy: Word. Whatcha got going on today?
Mike: Holy shit. I've got to get to work.

Behold! The Time Telescope
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:58 pm EST, Feb  2, 2007

Kerry vs. Matt Groening

Spies Among Us: How to Stop the Spies, Terrorists, Hackers, and Criminals You Don't Even Know You Encounter Every Day
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:23 pm EST, Feb  1, 2007

Spies Among Us: How to Stop the Spies, Terrorists, Hackers, and Criminals You Don't Even Know You Encounter Every Day

You encounter them every single day! Fear! Fear! Fear! Think of the Children!

Spies Among Us: How to Stop the Spies, Terrorists, Hackers, and Criminals You Don't Even Know You Encounter Every Day

5 Things You don't know about Me
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:14 pm EST, Jan 30, 2007

1- I was on the high school swim team for 3 years, and went to the Georgia State swim meet for my junior year. I was supposed to go my senior year, but got kicked off. My crime? While doing a can-opener as my last dive for the last regular swim meet, I purposely mooned the entire crowd, included the superintendent for Cobb County Schools.

2- I've forgotten my mom's brithday on at least 3 different occasions. She's never been mad, just sad.

3- I was born in a hospital less than 2 miles from where I currently work.

4- My Brother has been around the world and climbed some of the tallest mountains. I've never left the western hemisphere and I've only been west of the Mississippi river 5 times, 3 of which were in the last year.

5- I have 2 Hillary Duff songs on an iPod playlist. I sing them when I drive.

Police use stun guns on greased, naked student!
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:40 am EST, Jan 30, 2007

And now, your moment of zen...

A high school lunch period was disrupted Monday by a greased, naked student who ran around screaming and flailing his arms until police twice used a stun gun on him, authorities said.

Police said that an administrator ordered Killian to stop, but that the student made a sexual gesture and kept running.

Killian is in jail and charged with inducing panic, public indecency, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. A message seeking comment was left at Killian's home.

Police use stun guns on greased, naked student!

Family Guy Moment
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:16 pm EST, Jan 28, 2007

Byran: Did we just car jack somebody?
Stewie: We sure did Bryan. We sure did.

It's called a SPITini...
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:39 am EST, Jan 23, 2007

I must have had 5 of these at the SPI's kickoff party over the weekend. Grey Goose Vodka, blue CuraƧao liqueur, pineapple juice, and sweet & sour mix. Highly Billy compliant!

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