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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

It's not 'Hong Kong' ...
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:26 pm EDT, Apr  9, 2007

... its "Hog Kong"

It's not 'Hong Kong' ...

Saturday Night Science: Drink 5
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:22 am EDT, Apr  8, 2007

no. more. triple sec.

Saturday Night Science: Drink 3
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:11 pm EDT, Apr  7, 2007

1/2 shot peach vodka.
1 shot peach schnapps
1 shot triple sec
fill with OJ
splash of grenadine

I think we might have a winner. Smooth, yet very tasted.

My cat Butterscotch keeps trying to lick my wine glass. I don't have the will to fight him off...

Virtual feds�visit Second Life casinos -
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:32 pm EDT, Apr  4, 2007

FBI investigators have visited Second Life's Internet casinos at the invitation of the virtual world's creator Linden Lab, but the U.S. government has not decided on the legality of virtual gambling.

So much about this quote amuses me. On a serious side, this begs the question when is "virtual crime" real crime? Is virtual gambling taxable? I would assume only if you can somehow get real money out of the game. Which leads us to eBay restricting the sale of online items or characters, the classic way people transfered money into the real world.

I wonder if they'll start cracking down on all the "virtual" prostitution in SL.

Virtual feds�visit Second Life casinos -

httpOnly :: Firefox Add-ons
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:45 pm EDT, Apr  2, 2007

Adds httpOnly cookie support to Firefox by encrypting cookies marked as httpOnly on the browser side, so that JavaScript cannot read them.

Awesome! Stefan Esser (of the Month of PHP mugs fame) continues to make excellent contributions to the web security space! Great job!

httpOnly :: Firefox Add-ons

Eggbeater Jesus
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:00 am EDT, Apr  1, 2007

This is Jesus:

This is Jesus as an Eggbeater:

Any questions?

I'm not sure when the nickname "Eggbeater Jesus" began being used, but the mosaic (not a painting) which appears on the front of the First Baptist Church here in Huntsville was started in 1966 and finished in 1973. ... The Christ figure in the mosaic measures 43 feet in height and the mosaic is made of approximately 14 million pieces of Italian tile.

Eggbeater Jesus

Strongbad on Death Metal
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:14 am EDT, Mar 31, 2007

The gift of death metal does not smile on the good looking.

Creeping. Rusty. Meat. Truely the heart and soul of all Death Metal.

So much is so good about this.

Strongbad on Death Metal

Students give up social networks for Lent
Topic: Miscellaneous 9:46 pm EDT, Mar 29, 2007

For some, it's chocolate. For others, it's coffee or cigarettes. But as this Easter approaches, some young and devout Christians are anxious to return to what they gave up for Lent: Internet sites Facebook and MySpace.

Many users describe the popular social networking sites as addictive, which is why they say giving up these 21st-century temptations is a sincere sacrifice. Members on both sites create profiles and add each other as friends. They can also share messages, photos, videos and personal blogs.

Ok, you know what, I'm just going to say it: If social networking sites are such an important aspect of your life that you view giving them as a worthy religious sacrifice, you are a moron and the chances of you contributing anything meaningful to this world are slim to nil.

Students give up social networks for Lent

There's no medicine...
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:45 pm EDT, Mar 28, 2007

There's no medicine like happiness, except maybe laughter. Or maybe rubber tubes shoved up your urethra." -House

Game of life.
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:14 am EDT, Mar 22, 2007

Some games are best played by ignoring them. Especially when the players are cheating.

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