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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Paris and Prison
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:34 pm EDT, Jun  6, 2007

Now that Paris Hilton is settling into her expected 23-day stay in jail for transgressions against mankind, one can only hope that her stay in the pokey will erase, or at least dilute, the delusional and masochistic qualities that seem to swarm in her DNA.

On the red carpet, here's what Paris told us: "I feel like the media portrays me in a way that I'm not."

Huh? How's that?

Oh, you mean the sex tapes? Or the party tapes featuring Paris spewing ugly racial and homophobic epithets? Or did she mean the let's-humiliate-Lindsay Lohan "firecrotch" tape? Or was it the new season of "The Simple Life" in which the opening episode featured her and Nicole Richie as camp counselors at a so-called "Fat Camp" where they squealed in seeming delight as they administered enemas to overweight campers?


And served a softball, [Sarah Silverman] cranked her bat like a propeller and knocked it out of the park. After announcing that Paris was going to jail, a roar of cheers went up from the crowd as Paris squirmed in her seat. And then came Silverman's crack of the bat. "As a matter of fact, I heard that to make her feel more comfortable in prison, the guards are going to paint the bars to look like penises."

How America turned a dumb blond who likes to do amateur porn into a star is anyones guess. Nice to see things in perspective every now and again.

Paris and Prison

(31)337 Wine
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:06 pm EDT, Jun  6, 2007

I don't even know if this is good wine, but when the book draft is done, I'm popping this thing open.

Topic: Miscellaneous 3:28 am EDT, Jun  6, 2007

Damn you Dagmar! Damn you to hell!


The day before the rapture
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:12 pm EDT, May 25, 2007

There are maybe 15 people in the Engineering today. We are thinking about playing kickball...

RE: Flickr Photo Download: pwn your city
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:05 am EDT, May 21, 2007

Decius wrote:

Stencil that has gone up all over Alanta...

... wait... wasn't Rattle in town this weekend? Man, I know I should have skipped Korean karaoke on Saturday. To quote Repo Man: Fuck this, let's go do some crime!

RE: Flickr Photo Download: pwn your city

The Word of the Day: Polymorphic
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:50 am EDT, May 16, 2007

And now children, its time for the Word of the Day! The Word of the Day is Polymorphic. Can you say Polymorphic?


Gone baby gone
Topic: Miscellaneous 10:31 am EDT, Apr 29, 2007


We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach, Billy Hoffman, is on a 2 week honeymoon with his new bride. There is no forwarding number. Please try your call again later.

Thank you for using Bellsouth

Redbull @ 4:30am
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:40 am EDT, Apr 26, 2007

There are no places near SPI that are open at 4:30am and sell Redbull. And that makes me a sad panda. I'm also at work a 4:30am, which makes me a tired, burned out, holy-shit-I-need-some-caffeine panda as well...

Hello, My name is CNN...
Topic: Miscellaneous 4:06 am EDT, Apr 26, 2007

... and I'm incapable of fixing XSS vulnerabilities that were reported to me 8 months ago!

HTTP, but in real life
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:23 pm EDT, Apr 19, 2007

At work today:

Steve: Billy, I've got a question about SQL Injection false positives
Me: [not looking up] HTTP 302, Nidhi Shah [points to Nidhi]
Steve: ... ... Did you just reply with an HTTP redirect?
Me: ... Maybe
Steve: Do you know how dorky that is?
Me: ... Maybe
Steve: [starts to leave] ... [stops] ... You know you got the syntax wrong right?
Me: Who's being dorky now Steve!

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