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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

YouTube - Trojan Horse Test
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:31 pm EDT, Jul 17, 2007

This rocks. some Australian guys build a Trojan Horse full of people dressed like Greek solders, and then try to get it past security into various places in Sydney. The only place that denies them access is the Turkish Consulate.

YouTube - Trojan Horse Test

YouTube - Afterworld Episode 1 - The Big Day
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:38 pm EDT, Jul 16, 2007

Episode 1 Summary: Russell Shoemaker wakes up in a New York hotel room the morning after a catastrophic phenomenon wipes out technology and all signs of life. And then the rains begin...

Run down 41 flights of stairs with a laptop and you gain a new appreciation for elevators.

It made no sense. A big, 4 star hotel and not a soul in sight.

If you haven't seen Afterworld you are missing out. Very cool; watching the episodes I'm reminded of Day of The Triffids

YouTube - Afterworld Episode 1 - The Big Day

Topic: Miscellaneous 11:29 am EDT, Jul  2, 2007

This is even better than the environmental racism protest outside of work the other day.

This in fact is even better than the environmental racism protest outside of SPI the other day.


Quotes at work, on a weekend
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:54 pm EDT, Jun 30, 2007

Bryan: Heather must be ready to have her baby by now.
Me: Wait, Heather is pregnant?
Bryan: Yeah.
Me: She didn't look pregnant when we last saw her.
Bryan: Well, she was freshly pregnant.

NZ Banks pass the security buck to end users
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:50 pm EDT, Jun 29, 2007

Liability for any loss resulting from unauthorized Internet banking transactions rests with the customer if they have "used a computer or device that does not have appropriate protective software and operating system installed and up-to-date, [or] failed to take reasonable steps to ensure that the protective systems, such as virus scanning, firewall, antispyware, operating system and antispam software on [the] computer, are up-to-date."

Grandpa, why's Grandma getting arrested?
Because she didn't patch Windows Timmy.

I don't have a good feeling about this. Lets say Grandma leaves her garage unlocked and Eve takes some tools out of it and uses them to break into a bank. Is Grandma "Liability for any loss" because she "does not have appropriate [locks] installed and up-to-date?"

Is Grandma criminally negligent for not keeping her computer up-to-date? Civilly?

I wonder how this applies to Phishing. If Grandma falls for a phishing scheme and didn't spend money on an anti-phishing filter, is she liable?

NZ Banks pass the security buck to end users

Apple - iPhone - Rate Plans for iPhone
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:54 pm EDT, Jun 26, 2007

f you’re already an AT&T customer and want to keep your current voice plan, you can just add an iPhone Data Plan with unlimited data (email and web) and Visual Voicemail for just $20 per month.

Sweet! I want to buy an iPhone but I was /still am worried how they might dick over existing customers.

Apple - iPhone - Rate Plans for iPhone

Quote of the Day
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:29 pm EDT, Jun 21, 2007

Mark: I ordered the cheese sticks at the Oasis once.
Me: You actually ordered food at a strip club?
Mark: I've sampled the cuisine at all of the strip clubs. ... ... [sigh] I need to get married

Now, *that's* a margarita maker... on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:00 pm EDT, Jun 21, 2007

I need this.

Now, *that's* a margarita maker... on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Cat has camera on collar so we can see what he does
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:20 pm EDT, Jun  8, 2007

From Boing Boing:

"Mr. Lee is a cat in Germany, whose owner has attached a camera to his collar so that we can share his daily adventures! Some of the photos are mysterious. Others are beautiful. I love this!"

Cat has camera on collar so we can see what he does

Vinnie Liu...
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:39 pm EDT, Jun  7, 2007

... is a fucking rockstar.

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