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Current Topic: Miscellaneous

Slashdot to Bloggers: No one cares!
Topic: Miscellaneous 12:42 pm EDT, Oct 15, 2007

aroberts writes "Today is Blog Action Day which means that lots of bloggers will be writing on one general topic for one day in an attempt to see what might be achieved through coordinated posting, and I am one of them so my humble contribution amongst the hundreds of thousands is entitled individual action is not enough. The topic for this year's blog action day is the environment."

You can almost hear the sound of the vacuum created by bloggers thinking that their words matter when the people with control don't even know how to read the tubes. Lick a stamp or march- that's harder to ignore


Optional Semicolons in JavaScript.
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:56 pm EDT, Oct 11, 2007

Optional semicolons in JavaScript makes baby Jesus (and parser writers) cry.

I'm getting real cozy with section 7.9.1 today...

Oral Sex Implicated in Some Throat and Neck Cancers
Topic: Miscellaneous 2:40 pm EDT, Aug 27, 2007

"Smoking prevalence has dropped dramatically, and, likewise, most head and neck cancers have declined in incidence. Cancers at the base of the tongue and tonsil are increasing or have remained stagnant. We're not seeing the reduction in incidence that we would have expected," said study author Dr. Erich Sturgis, an associate professor of head and neck surgery and epidemiology at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, in Houston.

The study authors suspect the reason may be orally transmitted HPV infections.

"Just as cervical cancer is the outcome of a sexually transmitted disease, as are most anal and penile cancers, people need to be aware that they can get throat or tongue cancer as the consequence of a sexually transmitted disease," said Sturgis. "Oral sex can't be considered safe sex."

... ... HAHAHAHA! Wow.

Oral Sex Implicated in Some Throat and Neck Cancers

Topic: Miscellaneous 12:17 pm EDT, Aug 27, 2007

I absolutely expected to be fired today. Instead I was applauded.

Life = teh good.

Kanye West and Daft Punk - Stronger
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:10 pm EDT, Aug 26, 2007

Hip hop + House = Hell Yeah.

Kanye West and Daft Punk - Stronger

Life and Dreams... and Summercon
Topic: Miscellaneous 3:18 pm EDT, Aug 26, 2007

You know that dream where you are standing in front of a large group of people. You are giving a lecture. And you look down and you realize you aren't wearing pants. And then you look at the screen and you don't understand what you are supposed to be presenting on.

Yeah. That kind of sums up my Summercon experience.

Only I was wearing pants. I think. Yeah, I most likely had pants.

And I knew what I was supposed to talk about. How well I articulated is another matter.

But I don't fully remember giving the presentation. Something about source code mutation? Anyone? Bueller?


I don't drink beer. Why does my laptop smell like beer?


I vaguely recall something about screwing with spammers by throttling SMTP transactions, but it seems that talk was mixed with a detailed discussion of Scotch, and why Whisky doesn't have an "e"

Mr. Chainsaw
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:24 pm EDT, Aug 24, 2007

When was it that you sold your life or wasted
Every bite of that small slice you never tasted
I guess I should be one to talk
There's nights that I can't even walk
There's days I couldn't give a fuck
And in between is where I'm stuck

Mr. Chainsaw

DIY Shrinky Dinks.
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:26 pm EDT, Aug 24, 2007

My parents are both science teachers: which means they always ruined the secrets to magic tricks, they forced me to identify every tree by leaf and bark type, and we always created our own versions of ‘science-y’ toys. We used to cook our Easy-Bake Oven meals with foil and a light bulb, and created our own slime with cornstarch and food coloring.

And, when we wanted our own shrinkable art, did we get the sweet pre-printed HeMan or Strawberry Shortcake sheets? Nope. We freehanded it on blank sheets of plastic, and copying the designs from coloring books. (Luckily, neither of my parents could draw, or else we might have had hand drawn versions of those, too.)

The process is simple. I don’t know what kind of Shrinky Dinks are available, if any, but I’ll always be able to make some on my own… I guess my parents actually taught me something. Nuts.

The website continues with steps on how to make your own personal shrinky dinks from recycled plastics.

A blast from the past.

DIY Shrinky Dinks.

YouTube - Pearl Jam - Wishlist - SVT
Topic: Miscellaneous 6:44 pm EDT, Aug 17, 2007

Eddie Vedder is not an attractive man. But I do love this song.

YouTube - Pearl Jam - Wishlist - SVT

And the answer is...
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:43 pm EDT, Aug 16, 2007

Can I write a recursive depth JavaScript parser in 1.5 days? The answer is yes, but it doesn't support the complete language yet. So far I don't support:

-anonymous functions
-the "with" statement
-"" blocks
-labels and labeled continues (bet you didn't know JavaScript had labels!)
-any of the bitwise operators ( & | ^ << >>)
-assignment with operations ( += /= -= etc)
-the ?: construct
-array or object literals
-declaring and initializing multiple variables with a single var statement.

To be fair, I've just been writing the JS parser. I am using a JS tokenizer I wrote a few months back (though I've been finding/fixing a number of bugs in it today).

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