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Current Topic: Miscellaneous |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
5:04 pm EST, Feb 1, 2008 |
Heineman: (scrolling through his iTunes) So I've got some Conway Twitty, Hank Williams Jr *and* Sr, some John Denver... Me: wait a minute... was that Snoop Dogg? Heineman: Why yes it was. To be honest I didn't listen to any of that before coming to SPI, but, you know, I like the beat! Me: ... are you serious? Heineman: yeah, but I have no idea what he is saying. Every now and then I catch a word like "shit" or "booty" but that's all |
Think Progress » Bush says he uses “the Google.” |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
12:11 am EST, Jan 30, 2008 |
HOST: I’m curious, have you ever googled anybody? Do you use Google? BUSH: Occasionally. One of the things I’ve used on the Google is to pull up maps. It’s very interesting to see — I’ve forgot the name of the program — but you get the satellite, and you can — like, I kinda like to look at the ranch. It remind me of where I wanna be sometimes.
I am totally calling it "The Google" for now on. Think Progress » Bush says he uses “the Google.” |
I (heart) Huckebees (as well as my Camry Hybrid) |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
6:33 pm EST, Jan 29, 2008 |
 However, it is possible to compare a Toyota Camry Hybrid to a "regular Camry." The Camry Hybrid is powered by a 4-cylinder engine, but for comparison purposes, Toyota spokesman John McCandless claims that, "if you take into account the equipment level of the Camry Hybrid -- and that it has the performance of a V-6 -- the best apples-to-apples comparison is to compare the hybrid to a V-6 Camry LE. Those base prices are less than $2,000 apart -- $23,640 for the Camry V6 LE, vs. $25,000 for the Hybrid." Toyota reports that the Camry Hybrid's fuel economy rating is 33 mpg city/34 mpg highway. Meanwhile, the Camry V6 gets 21/31 mpg, city/hwy. For purposes of comparison, McCandless used a combined fuel economy rating, splitting the difference between highway and city mileage. "So if you drive 15,000 miles a year, and you buy the Hybrid version, you'll be using about 454 gallons a year," says McCandless. "Meanwhile, if you get the V6 LE, you'll be burning 635 gallons a year. At $3.20 a gallon, that's a fuel-cost saving of about $547 a year. So it should take you three or four years to recoup the up-front premium you paid to buy the Hybrid. Plus, you get the satisfaction that you are easing the emission imprint on the planet."
I purchased a 2008 Camry hybrid in December and I love it. Metallic blue paint, leather, alloy wheels, navigation system, voice commands, Bluetooth phone connection, killer sound system, and awesome gas mileage. I'm averaging about 35 miles a gallon and getting around 475 miles to the tank! It has the same footprint as a normal Camry, though the truck is about 2/3's the size because thats where the batteries are located. The car is alot more responsive than a Prius is, and all of the controls are not driven by the touch screen. I didn't go out looking for a hybrid either. Having a sexy wife with a masters in Mechanical Engineering changes you car buying experience thats for sure. She could throw down on gearing ratios and torque with the best of them! First I looked for any cars with the highest safety ratings from the government and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. Next I looked for cars that got greater than 30 MPG. That weeded the field down a bunch. After that, I looked for something that wasn't hideous, and had options that I wanted (leather seats, good sound system, and a navigation system). The Camry Hybrid was one of the only cars that fit that bill! All and all I am extremely happy with my Camry and would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a new car. I (heart) Huckebees (as well as my Camry Hybrid) |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
5:58 pm EST, Jan 29, 2008 |
-Ray has concerns that this is risky because it is more like a waterfall process. Kevin indicated that we will hybridize the waterfall and agile approaches by wrapping the sprints with up-front JADing to create functional specification(s) and with stabilization at the end. This is like a scrum sandwich. Or as someone cleverly pointed out waterscrumfall. (I’m just trying to see if anyone actually reads these things word for word). -Kevin asked me to type up the meeting note because I did such a good job of it yesterday. I’m pretty sure he just didn’t want to type it himself.
Topic: Miscellaneous |
6:43 pm EST, Jan 27, 2008 |
Does anyone here read Vietnamese? Very simple: chi can up 5 file (index.html va 4 file .php) len 1 host support php Vao trinh duyet, mo duong dan toi file index.html Cach khai thac loi thi xem nhu trong video demo ======================================== Uu diem: - Code run tren host, nen Victim site se ko the biet IP cua may minh khi minh xploit - Co the xploit moi luc moi noi. Chi can google tim link victim va run code da up san tren host cua minh - Toc do xploit cuc nhanh - Co the query mot luc so luong lon CC (hang chuc ngan cung ok)
This is the readme file for a PHP based SQL injector that's part of a sploit kit. |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
10:16 am EST, Jan 27, 2008 |
Ever read a book (required or otherwise) and upon finishing it thought to yourself, "Wow. That was terrible. I totally feel dumber after reading that."? I know I have. Well, like any good scientist, I decided to see how well my personal experience matches reality. How might one do this? Well, here's one idea. 1. Get a friend of yours to download, using Facebook, the ten most popular books at every college (manually -- as not to violate Facebook's ToS). These ten books are indicative of the overall intellectual milieu of that college. 2. Download the average SAT/ACT score for students attending every college. 3. Presto! We have a correlation between books and dumbitude (smartitude too)! Books <=> Colleges <=> Average SAT Scores 4. Plot the average SAT of each book, discarding books with too few samples to have a reliable average. 5. Post the results on your website, pondering what the Internet will think of it.
The best parts of conversations with Virgil is that occasionally you pick up on subtle jokes. Other times they completely fly by you and Virgil has to come out and tell you what your missing: Legions of Literature majors harangued about Lolita's categorization as "Erotica" instead of "Classics". Fine. I've already updated the entry and rankings. Tomorrow I'll make a new version of the images with Lolita in "Classics". You all lack any sense of humor.
Booksthatmakeyoudumb |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
7:21 pm EST, Jan 24, 2008 |
This pizza is like crack. Made by Russians no less! To bad delivery is slow but its on the way home for pickup. When you don't feel like cooking. Like tonight. When its cold. You've had a long day. And the wolves are after you. Laura's Pizza, Roswell |
First case of "drive-by pharming" identified in the wild - Network World |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
1:05 am EST, Jan 23, 2008 |
The first drive-by pharming attack has been observed against a Mexican bank: “It’s associated with an e-mail pretending to be from a legitimate Spanish-language e-greeting card company, Gusanito.com,” says Symantec Security Response principal researcher Zulfikar Ramzan. Inside the e-mail is an HTML image tag but instead of displaying images, it sends a request to the home router to tamper with it.
Will someone finally take CSRF vulnerabilities seriously now? "Utter horror show" is an accurate description of the security status of most router's web interfaces. The Linksys box sitting next to me has an CSRF vuln that allows you to reset the WEP key. Unacceptable. First case of "drive-by pharming" identified in the wild - Network World |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
5:43 pm EST, Jan 22, 2008 |
ASP.NET does not push any JavaScript in a response if the request does not have a User-Agent header. This is most likely from that built-in "Capabilities" info available on the incoming Request object. Interesting, and annoying. webClient.Headers.Add("User-Agent",...) to the rescue! |
Preview added to MemeStreams! |
Topic: Miscellaneous |
4:13 pm EST, Jan 21, 2008 |
You can now preview your posts before submitting them. Please let me know if you run into any problems with this. Preview added to MemeStreams! |