I walked back over to my stove, to check on the status of my piddly sandwich. Somehow, it no longer seemed quite so weak. As though, there was an inner strength to my now proud grilled cheese.
I leapt into action, seizing the spatula into my shaking hand. Some powerful force was at work here, I could feel it. I slowly flipped my now glowing sandwich over, and with a brilliant flash of light, the holy image of THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER APPEARED!!11!!!ONEONEONE!!!!11
Everything makes sense now. I used to be all hung up on drugs, and depressed about life. But after tonight, my life has taken on new meaning. I must get this message out, and spread the holy gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. This has truly changed my life.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster now makes appearences on pieces of toast, much like the Virgin Mary.