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Wow.... you are so dreamy!


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Wow.... you are so dreamy!
Topic: Miscellaneous 7:55 pm EST, Jan  1, 2005

] No they don't. Gilmour is a boring guitarist perfect who like
] their music stodgy and stale. Nick Mason could fall asleep
] behind the drum kit and no one would notice much of a
] difference in his playing, and Roger Waters is tone deaf,
] monotonal, less talented as a vocalist than even someone as
] lame-brained as Ozzy Ozbourne, and his songwriting sucks.
] Only pretentious white-baseball cap wearing fratboy cunts like
] this shit, and boring assholes whose minds are like computers.
] These lyrics are pretentious, self-indulgent and the song
] itself is horrifyingly dull. When Syd was in the band, they
] could have energy, since then it's been bland and shitty music
] for rhythmless white people to fuck to, in their boring little
] white-person way.

Vile... wow. You are just so dreamy!

Star light, Star bright
I wish I may, I wish I might,
make this swee man Vile mine tonight!

Oh Vile, your constant cursing... its just so dangerous! So counter-culture! I'll fly to NJ right now and we can be together! I know the perfect first date: We can go to Hot Topic and tell everyone how punk we are! We can yell "pig" and "facsist" at the security guards! I just know you wouldn't let them beat your ass again, because you are so strong and tough with words! Then we can walk home (only fucking TOOLS and preppies drive fucking cars), smoke our unfiltered Clove cigs (fucking goths smoking our cigs!) and complain about how boring, self important, and full of shit our parents are! Don't worry, I'll still love you while you live in their garage! I understand its The Man who keeps you from having a good job, and who wants you to shower and stuff! Fucking capitalist pigs, don't they understand you are too important for that stuff! Working is for chumps. I'll do my best to give you an environment to nurture your deep and profound thoughts to contribute to Memestreams like "K is a bleeding dog," and that time you called skullka "a nasty, unintelligent hogbitch." Those losers just don't know how awesome you are! I mean, you have an audience of what, 5 whole people! Seems that only 5 people are worth a damn! They need more people who say "fuck" alot and make funny of everyone! Oh yeah, and too contribute more things like Porn queens and AIDs! I never tire of reading your rants! Maybe we can post about how everyone is too stupid to understand the Dead Kennedys like we do! I mean, we are so profound! Obviously everyone on Memestreams should respect you, I mean you must have a *HUGE* dick, because you are so aggressive! tough.

Oh Vile, I just can't Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111 LOL! ^_^
Metal 4-eva!

Wow.... you are so dreamy!

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