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Romancing the phone


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Romancing the phone
Topic: Miscellaneous 5:10 pm EDT, Sep 18, 2004

] You will soon be able to download an artificial
] girlfriend, then track her movements via images on a 3G
] mobile handset. All the likely suitor needs to do is push
] the right buttons -- literally.
] Aimed at males between the ages of 15 and 35, the virtual
] girlfriend uses up a lot of bandwidth -- shopping,
] dining, going to bars and the gym.
] Men who wish to take the relationship further have to
] shower the virtual girlfriend with gifts, paying with
] real money.

I love my computer
you're always in the mood
I get turned on
when I turn on you
I love my computer
you never ask for more
you can be a princess
or you can be my whore
and it's never been quite so easy
I've never been quite so happy
all I need to do is click on you
and we'll be joined
in the most soul-less way
and we'll never
ever ruin each other's day
cuz when I'm through I just click
and you just go away
(oh, click me, click me here, click on me, click me, click me here)

-Bad Religion, I Love My computer

Romancing the phone

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