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The K sensitive password


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The K sensitive password
Topic: Society 2:40 pm EDT, Jun 18, 2007

"Even the most brilliant technology can fall short in that it may be too expensive or too complex for the average senior to use."

And then there was the 'k sensitive' password.
My dad is 74 and had trouble with his email. He's a healthy man that still works even though he has not had to in years. He's very active.

He said it kept 'shooting up a box that said password' and so I told him to call Comcast if he couldn't remember his password.

So he did, and still it would not work. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong."

So I went down, and asked him what password they gave him, and he had written down.......... 'k sensitive' He said he'd been trying it every which way he could.

Now this is a man who owned extensive real estate, and 2 businesses in his life. How did this happen?

So I called Comcast to get his REAL password. As soon as I pressed the number in the voice automated system for email problems, a pretty female voice said "Your password is case sensitive."

My dad had assumed - because of his lack of technology vocabulary - well, you all understand. However, to me, it really highlighted the problem that seniors have using and understanding technology, and it just isn't fair.

It isn't fair to leave our 'old but capable' so far behind. It is also probably a huge market if someone would care enough to tap it.

Thanks awesome! After all the password diaglog *told* him what this password was when he set the whole thing up.

The K sensitive password

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