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New Yorker Cover Art Created on an iPhone - PC World


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New Yorker Cover Art Created on an iPhone - PC World
Topic: Miscellaneous 11:23 am EDT, May 26, 2009

Creating New Yorker cover art? There's an app for that, too. Yep, that's right. The cover for the current issue of the New Yorker was created with an iPhone app.

The cover sports a night scene around a hot dog stand on 42nd Street in Manhattan. To create the image, artist Jorge Colombo used a $5 iPhone application called Brushes. Colombo told The New York Times he loved creating the scene with the iPhone because he didn't draw attention to himself, the way he would with an easel and paint, as he stood on 42nd street for over an hour tapping away on his iPhone.

I think this for 2 reasons:

1- I'm intrigued you could do something so high quality on a smart phone.

2- I'm amused you can stand on a street corner in New York for hours on end, not dressed like a bum, and no one says anything.

New Yorker Cover Art Created on an iPhone - PC World

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