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DIY Shrinky Dinks.


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DIY Shrinky Dinks.
Topic: Miscellaneous 1:26 pm EDT, Aug 24, 2007

My parents are both science teachers: which means they always ruined the secrets to magic tricks, they forced me to identify every tree by leaf and bark type, and we always created our own versions of ‘science-y’ toys. We used to cook our Easy-Bake Oven meals with foil and a light bulb, and created our own slime with cornstarch and food coloring.

And, when we wanted our own shrinkable art, did we get the sweet pre-printed HeMan or Strawberry Shortcake sheets? Nope. We freehanded it on blank sheets of plastic, and copying the designs from coloring books. (Luckily, neither of my parents could draw, or else we might have had hand drawn versions of those, too.)

The process is simple. I don’t know what kind of Shrinky Dinks are available, if any, but I’ll always be able to make some on my own… I guess my parents actually taught me something. Nuts.

The website continues with steps on how to make your own personal shrinky dinks from recycled plastics.

A blast from the past.

DIY Shrinky Dinks.

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