Sometimes i think Ann Coulter exists only to enrage me. She's aleady called me a traitor to my nation, and called for my imprisonment and hanging, for no more than bringing up the fact that maybe, perhaps, the president of our country wasn't completely forthright with us about certain things. Things that involve the lives of millions and, as it turns out, the deaths of thousands. And then she has the audacity to claim that liberals are mindless drones who will vote for whomever the democratic party puts forth. *I'm* the one in lockstep? Please, Ann, take a look at your own jackboots and check real carefully for the 'W' emblazoned on them, you complete tool of neoconservatism. I won't get into her tearing apart one poor girl whose emotion clearly makes her a retard incapable of making important choices. We must base our decisions on military pragmatism, and anything else makes you no better than a terrorist. I'm pretty sure the Democrats aren't the ones comparing Dean to McGovern and "wearily predicting a landslide for Bush". Once again, Ann makes a blanket statement and provides ABSOLUTELY NO SUPPORT for it. For every democrat or liberal i know, a Bush landslide is nothing more than nightmare vision... perhaps we're all prescient, and that's the prediction she means. Hmph. This is a flat out lie to add to her many others. And from here, we move onto some really classic Coulter : Whenever liberals all start singing from the same hymnal, they are up to no good. (Or since we're talking about American liberals here, maybe I should say, "when they all start reading from the same Quran.") There are a few different things going on here, so lets analyze each of them. First, she makes the claim that unity of voice is evidence of, what, some deep, dark, liberal conspiracy? This from the very same woman who believes that any disagreement with the current administration is treasonous? Once again, Ann, use the mirror. You're the one with the Hymnal, though it has no songs of love, joy or hope in it. Then, she goes racist. Clearly anyone with a Quran is a terrorist and HATES everything american. And clearly liberals are all so ANTI AMERICA that we reinforce our hatred with the terrorists own training manual the Quran. Goddammit Ann, have you ever even seen a Q'ran? No, didn't think so. Then shut the fuck up and keep your xenophobia and racism to your fucking self. Ok, now she attacks Dean, calling him appalling, spineless and weak. Well, the first is certainly true for her, considering she thinks he's no better than Osama bin Laden, so, no surprise there. I won't even get close to fully dealing with her hawkish discussion of what does and doesn't constitute bravery -- apparently it involves killing someone, or at least taking off in a plane. Oh, and one of the stand out quotes of the whole piece "the North Vietnamese were savage beasts, but they never attacked America on its own soil. ... [ Read More (0.3k in body) ] Yahoo! News - VEGAN COMPUTER GEEKS FOR DEAN |