So I just got out of this meeting where these two programmers are trying to fix this old bad idea with a new bad idea...this is nothing new, but today they must have eaten their wheaties cause they were going for extra points... so I point out that the new idea to fix the old bad idea is also bad...they argue for a moment until they are forced to give in and accept that the new idea is just as bad, so they form a huddle and deside, rather than replacing the bad idea with an ok idea, or dare i say even a good one, they will insert a new glue layer to bridge the old bad idea with the new bad idea...of course this new glue layer is filled with bad ideas, and on the hole it too is a bad idea... so now we're left with the old bad idea, the glue layer filled with bad idea, and the new bad idea...they combine to form one large bad idea that is greater than the sum of its collective bad Vultron...exception instead of lions, this one is made up of retarded programming ideas...oh and there is no sword... |