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RE: Working with Bayesian Categorizers [Nov. 19, 2003]


RE: Working with Bayesian Categorizers [Nov. 19, 2003]
by Decius at 4:13 pm EST, Dec 6, 2003

eiron wrote:
] It seems like a nice idea, but it doesn't this approach
] probably wouldn't work well with blogs. Spam may be easily
] classified by bayesian filters. The content of two blog
] entries, however, could easily contain many common keywords,
] yet provide significantly different levels of interest to the
] reader.

I agree... However, thanks for recommending the article. These perl libraries are useful for something else: Figuring out when articles on MemeStreams are associated with the same subject...

RE: Working with Bayesian Categorizers [Nov. 19, 2003]

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