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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Globes - Social networking software co Huminity raises $2-4m. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Globes - Social networking software co Huminity raises $2-4m
by Rattle at 6:14 pm EST, Nov 7, 2003

] Sources inform Globes that Israeli start-up
] Huminity has raised $2-4 million, at a company value of
] $10 million, after money, in its first financing round.
] Sources close to the company said a leading Israeli
] venture capital fund, a US fund, and the CEO of one of
] the world's largest Internet companies participated in
] the round, which is close to completion. Huminity
] cofounders Oren Rossen and Nir Ben-Halevy declined to
] disclose details about the round.

I still have yet to receive any feedback from _anyone_ about Huminity.. Is anyone out there still using MS? Anyone?

Someone install this damn thing and tell me about its networking protocol..

] Huminity, which develops Internet-based software tools
] to manage personal and professional networks, launched
] its first financing round when it had a working product with
] 400,000 customers worldwide. In recent months, the two
] entrepreneurs made progress on developing the software,
] which uses extremely low-cost open code. Rossen said they
] had personally invested $30,000 by the time they launched
] the first version. He added that the company's cash burn rate
] was $3,500 a month.

The "extremely low-cost open code" they speak of appears to be something called Inxight Star Tree Studio.. Something else that I can't run right now.

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