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MemeStreams Discussion


This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Huminity social networking & chat software. 6-degree chat!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Huminity social networking & chat software. 6-degree chat!
by Rattle at 12:38 am EST, Nov 7, 2003

] Huminity is a free social networking software that allows
] you to chat with anyone, navigate animated maps of
] connections and view the links of friends between you and
] anyone else - introducing - Huminity 6-degree
] chat!

Just got word of this via Jacob Levy via Dana Boyd.

This looks very cool. However, I cannot run it right now because everything I have around is some variant of unix.. I'll find myself in front of a windows machine at some point soon, but in the meantime I'd love to hear some people's thoughts on this.

In particular, some detail about the protocols its using.. Is this something I can export data to in FOAF? I am _really_ interested in chat and client end stuff.. We are in the process of making massive changes to the MemeStreams backend that's going to allow us to push out all kinds of data to stuff like this. This looks exactly like the type of application we envision this system being able to work in concert with.

From the "About Us" page:
] We are two guys, 30+. We believe that people will achieve
] more by helping each other and that it is time that the
] Internet evolves for people as much as it has evolved for
] corporates.

That sounds familiar...


via #joiito:
[21:38] [adamhill] M: Huminity is incorporated in Antigua and does not allow trademarked nicks


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