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RE: I've had better days...


RE: I've had better days...
by jessica at 2:30 pm EST, Oct 31, 2003

Rattle wrote:
] I just got discharged from the hospital. Apparently, I had an
] asthma attack. I didn't think I had asthma, never been
] diagnosed with it before, and certainly never had anything the
] likes of today happen before.
] I get asthma symptoms whenever I'm around cats. I'm
] allergic.. It always goes away once I'm around fresh air.
] Always completely gone within 10 min, and most of the relief
] comes in the first few breaths.. Never connected it with
] anything other then cat allergies, which I am _totally_ used
] to because _EVERYONE_ I know has cats..
] Well, apparently that's asthma. The cat allergies just
] trigger it.. And when the trigger goes away, it doesn't
] necessary mean the asthma response will. In this case, the
] attack started up last night when I was over a friends house.
] It didn't stop until spending some time sucking on a nebulizer
] down at SF General. Not fun.. I had one hell of a rough
] night, morning, and afternoon.
] Whenever I'm around cats, I wind up breathing like shit.
] Everyone always asks, have you tried this, and this, and this,
] etc.. I answer yes, because obviously it pisses me off enough
] where I have tried just about everything to curb my cat
] allergies. Nothing works.. The one thing I've never tried
] was an Albuterol inhaler.
] So yeah, that sucked.. But my movers came today! Good?
] Well, it would be if various critical things were not
] missing.. Like the two most important pieces of my desk
] (which means I have no desk) and my high-back leather chair (I
] love that damn chair). This wouldn't be a big deal, its still
] in the storage I share with Decius, but judging from past
] experience with the movers, I'm going to wind up having to put
] out at least another $50 to resolve this situation get the
] stuff.. grrrr.
] My bed sheets are missing also, but the bed is here.. That's
] enough for me at this point. Its not the couch. And I can
] breathe again...

Those albuterol inhalers can save your life. I'm sorry you had such a rough time of it... I hope you're feeling better soon.. keep us posted.. I'll be thinking of you.

RE: I've had better days...

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