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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Kevin Sites Blog is back. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Kevin Sites Blog is back
by Rattle at 8:46 pm EDT, Oct 11, 2003

] The blog is reopen for business. It has been seven
] months since this site went silent. Time for everyone to
] get back to work. To all of you who have made this place
] so interesting with your informed and intelligent
] discussions, I thank you. For all who have been so kind
] as to inquire about my welfare - I also thank you and
] apologize for not being able to respond. When CNN
] politely (I mean this sincerely) asked me to stop
] blogging I felt it was my obligation to do so immediately
] and completely. CNN was signing my checks at the time
] and sent me to Iraq. Although I felt the blog was a
] separate and independent journalistic enterprise, they
] did not. Period. We move on.

He is in Iraq with MSNBC now. His weblog is not affiliated with them, and he is giving them right of first refusal on what he writes while he is there. It seems like a very reasonable arrangement that should work out well for both Sites and MSNBC. Its too bad CNN didn't allow him to do something like this the first time around.

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