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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: retroCRUSH: The worst halloween custumes of the 1970s!. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

retroCRUSH: The worst halloween custumes of the 1970s!
by Decius at 8:56 pm EDT, Oct 3, 2003

] I suspect that "Mommy I want to be Atari's Asteroids Game
] for Halloween" was only slightly less creepy for parents
] to hear than, "Mommy, I just chopped up Fido with a
] shovel and had sex with his face!"  Kids who couldn't
] afford this one had to settle for being Intellivision's
] "Astroblast" game, instead.

Ahhh, Halloween in the 70's, when space age materials science had finally trickled down to the common man in the form of the ubiquitous full color printed trash bag plus plastic mask costume. Each one celebrated, while simultaneously advertising, a pop culture icon. How innocent we were. Looking back it must have been fucking creepy to see the all of the neighborhood kids turn into little stereotypical billboards for an evening. It must have been the moment people started to realize that maybe consumer culture had gone too far.... And here we have the hall of shame:

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