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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Daily Kos: Plame's former classmate vents. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Daily Kos: Plame's former classmate vents
by k at 8:02 am EDT, Oct 1, 2003

] I just wish that hubris wasn't endangering our national
] security.

hear-hear. maybe the media will finally do some legitimate reporting on this issue. maybe. i mean, not FOX, but someone...

Daily Kos: Plame's former classmate vents
by Decius at 8:13 am EDT, Oct 1, 2003

] So the fact that she's been undercover for three decades
] and that has been divulged is outrageous because she was
] put undercover for certain reasons. One, she works in an
] area where people she meets with overseas could be
] compromised. When you start tracing back who she met
] with, even people who innocently met with her, who are
] not involved in CIA operations, could be compromised. For
] these journalists to argue that this is no big deal and
] if I hear another Republican operative suggesting that
] well, this was just an analyst fine, let them go
] undercover. Let's put them overseas and let's out them
] and then see how they like it. They won't be able to
] stand the heat [...]

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