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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: Yahoo! News - Appeals Court Delays Calif. Recall Vote. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

Yahoo! News - Appeals Court Delays Calif. Recall Vote
by Decius at 8:41 am EDT, Sep 16, 2003

Oh great. They are postponing the California election so they can get computerized voting machines installed in time. If they think the old technology is bad, wait until they see this...

RE: Yahoo! News - Appeals Court Delays Calif. Recall Vote
by Hijexx at 9:23 am EDT, Sep 16, 2003

Decius wrote:
] Oh great. They are postponing the California election so they
] can get computerized voting machines installed in time. If
] they think the old technology is bad, wait until they see
] this...

They have to have a good trial run before the next Presidential election, ya know? So which electronic machines will they be using? Hope it's not Diebold. Doesn't matter though, the whole electronic voting landscape is crooked and corrupt beyond repair. We are entering a phase in this society where voting will mean nothing but couting votes will mean everything.


From the 8/27/03 edition of the Port Clinton News Herald:

Wally O'Dell, CEO of Diebold Inc., this week sent out letters to central Ohio Republicans asking them to raise $10,000 in donations in time for a Sept. 26 Ohio Republican Party event at his home.

His company, which specializes in security and election machinery, is one of three under consideration to supply new, electronic voting machines to replace punch card machines still in use in 71 Ohio counties.

In his invitation O'Dell states his support for the Republican Party and notes he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President next year."

Yahoo! News - Appeals Court Delays Calif. Recall Vote
by k at 12:56 pm EDT, Sep 15, 2003

The recall is halted (for now) due to concerns over voting machine error.

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