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This page contains all of the posts and discussion on MemeStreams referencing the following web page: WikiLeaks and the Afghan War | STRATFOR. You can find discussions on MemeStreams as you surf the web, even if you aren't a MemeStreams member, using the Threads Bookmarklet.

WikiLeaks and the Afghan War | STRATFOR
by Shannon at 4:36 am EDT, Jul 29, 2010

The WikiLeaks, from what we have seen so far, detail power, interest and reality as we have known it. They do not reveal a new reality. Much will be made about the shocking truth that has been shown, which, as mentioned above, shocks only those who wish to be shocked. The Afghan war is about an insufficient American and allied force fighting a capable enemy on its home ground and a Pakistan positioning itself for the inevitable outcome. The WikiLeaks contain all the details.

RE: WikiLeaks and the Afghan War | STRATFOR
by Dagmar at 7:16 pm EDT, Jul 30, 2010

Remember that little quip about 'Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it'?

I present for your various mental ruminations that the US won the war of independence from the British despite the fact that they had better technology and more access to manpower. Guerrilla fighting won us that, and it's given us an almost insurmountable uphill battle practically everywhere in the last twenty years.

WikiLeaks and the Afghan War | STRATFOR
by Decius at 9:27 pm EDT, Jul 28, 2010

The WikiLeaks, from what we have seen so far, detail power, interest and reality as we have known it. They do not reveal a new reality. Much will be made about the shocking truth that has been shown, which, as mentioned above, shocks only those who wish to be shocked. The Afghan war is about an insufficient American and allied force fighting a capable enemy on its home ground and a Pakistan positioning itself for the inevitable outcome. The WikiLeaks contain all the details.

Stratfor strongly implies that the US intentionally "leaked" all this information in order to influence the political debate over the war and help build the case for withdrawl.

At some point, the U.S. Government is going to have to sell the American people on withdrawing from Afghanistan without Bin Lauden and letting the Taliban come back into power. I don't know how they hell are going to accomplish that.

This also raises the question of what the hell is going on with Bradley Manning? Its interesting that Manning appears to be responsible for all the leaks *except* this one, which is the important one.

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